Thread to help each other find missing Trains.

20 Replies, 30197 Views

(09-22-2016, 08:00 PM)Ksthomas209 Wrote: Where are you located?

New York City
(09-22-2016, 07:46 PM)Pablo392 Wrote: Hi Everyone,
Is there another, more active forum where people discuss their mini collection, and possibly meet up and trade with each other? Thanks in advance. I am missing some basic ones, which I think were extremely common on 1st wave. Things like Bert, James, Bash, Ben, the usual common ones. Any chance someone has duplicate of these wants to trade or sell?

Sorry, I cannot edit my post above, but do not rely too much on Fisher-Price web store. I just ordered bunch of things from them, and they short-shipped, with no message or excuse or apology. When I contacted them, the emails bounced back undeliverable, finally after going through their website support, they admitted that they didn't have it in stock.. Such a terrible operation. Anyway, I ended up buying it on ebay with a reasonable mark-up by the seller, but it's a shame, really. I hope they don't mess up the Minis by turning them into infinite releases or random stuff.

I just had the same bad experience with Fisher Price on my last Spongebob 9 packs order. After waiting weeks of being told they were on back order i inadvertly found out they cancelled my order. After a futile discusdion and no customer gift for thier screw up i finally receive notice of the cancelation in the mail. I feel I too will have to purchase and pay way our price via Ebay.
I have Blow Pop James, Fruit Chews Henry, and Tootsie Roll Percy to trade...
Hi everyone, I am looking for the new 30-Pack with the exclusive 3 insect minis. I have the latest two DC 4-Pack to trade.
It may be easier and safer if you take all your trading and selling suggestion over to the Trading Zone Forum. They wont get lost like they will in this extremely long and most popular Forum here at BPT.
Look what arrived at my door step today.
Shout out and biggest thanks go out to OttawaQ for his help with trade.
I don't think we have trade reference/feedback section, if we did, he'd get 5/5 stars without a doubt.

Thank you so much OttawaQ!
I hope my package makes it to you safe and sound.

[Image: 500330fea20b4bd31dc4b883c5e54b55.jpg]
[-] The following 1 user Likes Pablo392's post:
  • OttawaQ
We received ours today too!! Thanks so much and I'm happy to have helped!! If you're ever missing any, just let me know!
[-] The following 1 user Likes OttawaQ's post:
  • Pablo392
Guys, as Super mentioned yesterday there is a dedicated trade/sales section on the board, you should really conduct trades or leave feedback there. It's seperate as it is only visible to board members so it gives you some level of privacy and protection Smile

The link to the relevant section is; Trading Zone
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
(This post was last modified: 10-08-2016, 07:59 PM by Nigels.)
[-] The following 1 user Likes Nigels's post:
  • Super
I seem to have misplaced my Reverse Flash Percy.. I can't believe I lost it.
If anyone has it, please PM me, I have lots of duplicates (although not super rare ones) hopefully we can help each other.

I am also looking for Cyborg Clear Spencer and Dark Knight Diesel.

Ooops Nigel, I seriously thought I was posting in the trade forum! Sorry! I followed the wrong link in my bookmarks.
(This post was last modified: 10-13-2016, 12:27 AM by Pablo392.)
Hi guys, here is my updated ixbyix list, could you take a look at it and let us know if you have any of the missing ones and what you are missing so we can trade?


Oh brother, I did it again! Nigels, I think you need to ban me from this thread or something, or maybe lock it so we are forced to post it under the trading forum.. It's all my browser's fault.
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2016, 07:46 PM by Pablo392.)

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