Muddy Poppins YouTube Video's

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The Vicarage Orchard ~ PLARAIL Random Fun Run
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • Mister No

Hi Tully!!!   [Image: winking-whats-up-smiley-emoticon.gif]

Ok...I give up...What the heck is this???

[Image: Untqeitled.jpg]
[-] The following 2 users Like Super's post:
  • DalaGStanator, Mister No
I was asking myself the same question, but I cowardly waited for someone to be the first to ask it.  Cool Big Grin
My YouTube Channel: Mister No
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  • DalaGStanator
Oh that’s just the lego train…lol
[Image: 66-B06-A9-A-C970-49-A5-B782-EF45-EF957-BF1.jpg]

[Image: 69101-B40-FE40-423-D-B4-E8-46044320-D963.jpg]

[Image: F336-DCBA-F4-A3-4-FFA-84-B4-3-B9-CFBEF89-E7.jpg]
With the rear axle held in place with a popsicle stick.
[Image: 8-E1-BA8-A6-8-F76-46-D8-8-DE5-F4-C978931-CC6.jpg]
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
[-] The following 2 users Like MuddyPoppins's post:
  • DalaGStanator, Super
Good old Popsicle sticks Smile
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • MuddyPoppins
Ha! Is that some funny OC you (or Tully) invented "on a whim"? Even though it's cylindrical, I actually like the white minifig head as a Thomas style face here. If you'll ever give them a name, they should have it written on their sides like on Mavis (without plates). Might be a coincidence, but the front somewhat reminds me of a (much) better version of Cleo (from Season 24). I'd like to see more contraptions like this afterwards.
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  • Mister No, MuddyPoppins, Super
TrackMaster Metallic Gordon & Metallic Gold Thomas
Motorized 4-pack unboxing
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • chrisjo
The Vicarage Orchard 
TrackMaster  SUPER RARE
unboxing & new arrivals!

[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • Mister No
Really?...What makes that Terrence so Rare? I am no expert but haven't I seen many of these or is it the Cow that makes it rare?
Yes Super an opened Terrence isn't really that hard to find, and opened with his pony (not a cow) included, is a bit more difficult to find, but as far as BNIB there are two different versions of packaging.
One is the Walmart boxed version (like Tons has) of which I have seen a few come up for auction (there is one currently listed on eBay), and then there is the Target style blister packaging that is rarely ever seen.
It has never come up for auction, and there is only one other BNIB Terrence that I know of that is still in this version of packaging.
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
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  • Mister No, Super

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