Muddy Poppins YouTube Video's

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The black Hopper Cars are one of my most favorite. I think the 8012 is very hard to find.
I know we have discussed them before but I hope one of our experts could fill us in on which set they came in especially the 8012.

The Vicarage Orchard 
Early PLARAIL package from Japan!!
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I believe they come in the two Tomica Big Loader-like sets, one in the Bucket Wheel (you can see it in the bottom right)
[Image: tkt42472.png]
...and the other in Megaton Dump, you can see it sitting on some Plarail track
[Image: 71tn-CYS-Sb-L-AC-SL1200-1.jpg]
I couldn't tell you which one comes in which, however
I have a website where I have been writing about and photographing many of the sets and pieces that I find interesting.
[-] The following 5 users Like DuckGWR's post:
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Ah, there you go...thanks Duck. I wonder if there are any unboxing videos of these 2 sets where we can see which one had the 8012 Hopper car or maybe they both had the 8011?

Found a video of the Tomica Megaton Dump Set in Ducks second picture above. At the 2:43 minute mark we can see that the Hopper's number that came in this set is number 8011

[Image: Untitleed.jpg]

I need help finding a video on the other set more than likely due to I can't read exactly what the set is called. I did manage to find the Thread where we discussed this before but it also does not have the exact name of the other set.

May be called " Tomica Bucket Wheel Construction Site "

I have found a few videos now under the above name and none show the Hopper Car with it. Could this have been a promotional give away/drawing ? Anyone able to read what this says?

[Image: tkt42472.jpg]
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[Image: Snimka-zaslona-115.jpg]

Can't take my eyes off this beauty!  Heart
My YouTube Channel: Mister No
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I mostly only collect Thomas and friends trackmaster items but goodness me that engine/tram looks good!
The Tons of Trackmasters YouTube channel  Smile
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The infobox has the release info (November 2011) and price (5229 yen with tax, or 4980 without), says it takes 1 AA battery, and that the Tomica cars and Plakids are not included, and then the layout size. Possibly the red truck and car are pictured to show what is included out of the vehicles shown (or not shown in the case of the hopper)
I have a website where I have been writing about and photographing many of the sets and pieces that I find interesting.
[-] The following 3 users Like DuckGWR's post:
  • DalaGStanator, Mister No, Super
Thank you Duck for the translation. So we are still inconclusive if this Hopper car came with the set. It is a Tomica brand and there doesn't seem to be any other Plarail trains or tracks included. There also are no pictures of the whole Layout showing the black Hopper car in it.

Does this say anything different from the from of the box?

[Image: tkt42472-0.jpg]
[-] The following 3 users Like Super's post:
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Says it includes the truck and Plarail freight car
It appears in the manual as Plarail freight car *1 and says sticker 23 is applied to it
[Image: Screenshot-20210204-153738.jpg]

A different Mercari listing shows that this one has the running number 8012
[Image: Screenshot-20210204-154230.jpg]
I have a website where I have been writing about and photographing many of the sets and pieces that I find interesting.
[-] The following 4 users Like DuckGWR's post:
  • DalaGStanator, Mister No, MuddyPoppins, Super
Fantastic Duck, you have solved the mystery. The 2 different sets each has a Black Hopper Car and each one has the different number. Thank you Smile

Sorry Muddy for disturbing your video Thread.
[-] The following 3 users Like Super's post:
  • DalaGStanator, DuckGWR, MuddyPoppins
Awesome video looking forward to the next one! Jauce does a great job with there packaging!
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