Many thanks AC
Those Tomy numbers will come in handy. Its great to be able to use the regular Tomy straight rails even better to use the double length straight rails for a longer layout. See your messages.
Does anyone know or have had one of these Monorails apart either the hanging or the overhead type and could tell me if they use the same type motor as our trains do?. I ask this because I am still debating on buying some of these but all the videos I have watched show them not running fast enough for me.
What would really help me if someone knows of YouTube repair or Mod videos and even some good video reviews.
I have found the answer to my own question in this video. Not sure if I like the monorail this fast and possibly noisy. Which Tamiya motor would be the least in speed but still faster than a stock motor...anyone know off hand? And what type battery do these trams take? When I get one I may want to upgrade the motor and possibly add some lighting. Oh...BTW...check out this Video Channel for some other neat electrical mods this fellow/gal has done.
The stock speed is fine with me
The 3 monorail I have uses a single AA battery
Evan Almighty and His Train Collection
super, ive got one, but havent done much at all with it. ran it once at a show and thats it. sadly, the timing of its arrival coincided with one of our cats dying, and i havent moved past associating the two.
mine ran slow, but i didnt mind that as it gave the kids a chance to see it properly.
I had forgot about the one you picked up Sunhuntin. I can't wait to get ours so I can what makes it tick. Do you know if these are based on real ones?