Strange Track,

12 Replies, 14215 Views


I ordered some pre owned bits of track through eBay and in with the lot I found this strange piece of track, the male coupler is more of diamond shape and on the female side there is nothing

[Image: 9D4247A1-0414-494B-8483-1CA62A1673A3_zpswi4wf5cm.jpg]

Anyone recognise it? Is it worth keeping or shall I just bin it?

On a tangent I also got an Edward today,

[Image: F6BFF418-8A09-433F-AEAF-EC72D15F9F3B_zpsh8i5bthh.jpg]

I love these tender engines (especially the old ones with the battery in the tender)
All he needed was a new set of traction tyres and he runs really well, it's a shame he's a little UV damaged but oh well, he is to be played with!
(This post was last modified: 11-12-2015, 08:17 PM by Tramp.)
Yes, it is worth keeping if you have or plan on having the blue turntable. Half the track that fit on the turn table are normal couplings and half are this type. I will get you a picture.

I believe there was a set of 1 Straight Dead End Rail like yours and 1 Half Straight Rail for each one of those special spokes where a shed would go and the other regular connecting spokes was to attach thru tracks to your layout.

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[-] The following 2 users Like Super's post:
  • DalaGStanator, MuddyPoppins
Brilliant super, your a star, have you got one of these turntables? Are they any good? I know there are a few different styles, which have you used and found to be the best?
The picture is of the one I have. This one works well but its a crank model. I like it as its nice and big with plenty of shed sides and thru tracks. I have to admit that I bought this one a long time ago by itself. Later I had acumulated several more that I sold off and had some of these different style track. The first time I saw them I figured they were to different kind of train sets and threw them away. When I did discover what they were for I had to re-collect them. Oh and also, those track ends had the orange bumpers at the end in addition to the red sheds with dark gray tops.
(11-12-2015, 09:47 PM)Super Wrote: The picture is of the one I have. This one works well but its a crank model. I like it as its nice and big with plenty of shed sides and thru tracks. I have to admit that I bought this one a long time ago by itself. Later I had acumulated several more that I sold off and had some of these different style track. The first time I saw them I figured they were to different kind of train sets and threw them away. When I did discover what they were for I had to re-collect them. Oh and also, those track ends had the orange bumpers at the end in addition to the red sheds with dark gray tops.

I own one with the sheds as well, but do not own the stub rails.
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[-] The following 1 user Likes ROKMAN1445's post:
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I have them. Came in a large lot once. I was thrown off by the different shape too, but then found the turn table. Made more sense then.. Big Grin.
[-] The following 1 user Likes ripley802's post:
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(11-12-2015, 09:47 PM)Super Wrote: The picture is of the one I have. This one works well but its a crank model.

Trackmaster has one that can turn by itself using an engine.
[-] The following 1 user Likes leylandvictory2's post:
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Ucwepn has on of those Trackmaster round tables and its great looking. Only drawback I see if you aren't a fan of the Trackmaster type tracks.

Tomy also made a green turntable just like the blue one only with green roofed sheds.

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[-] The following 2 users Like Super's post:
  • Gerisplarail1, MuddyPoppins
I bought 3 of the Tomy Turntables new in box they are just great! I like that you crank it by yourself and my daughter likes turning it too. They turn up on eBay used and new quite often and in my opinion they do not come with enough of that diamond tipped track so picking up more when you find it is a must.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Gerisplarail1's post:
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(11-13-2015, 04:56 AM)Gerisplarail1 Wrote: I bought 3 of the Tomy Turntables new in box they are just great! I like that you crank it by yourself and my daughter likes turning it too. They turn up on eBay used and new quite often and in my opinion they do not come with enough of that diamond tipped track so picking up more when you find it is a must.
Aren't they noisy when cranked? My dog doesn't like the loud crackling/ snapping noises.
I AM NOT DEAD. Just inactive. 

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