Making copies of Tomy Thomas face?

17 Replies, 22471 Views

Hey people of blueplastictracks

I have always wondered if it would be possible to create multiple copies of a tomy thomas face (or a blank face) to use to create many of thomas' different expressions out of the same (or similar) material. Is it possible? And what material are the faces made out of if I did want to copy them to create different expressions? Huh

I would want to be able to interchange each one for the engine, as shown in the pictures below.
[Image: DSC00471_zpsjwj5sxkx.jpg]

[Image: DSC00472_zpsz6dwyxu0.jpg]

[Image: DSC00473_zpsuekkn9rq.jpg]

We do have a member here, Powerful Gordon Mike, who has successfully made angry Gordon faces using a mold and plastics. With 3D printers becoming affordable its only a matter of time before we see many different aftermarket faces for Thomas and his friends.
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I have been researching and trying to scrounge up some funds to purchase some mold making material. I am looking to make a snowplow attachment as well as the flip face pieces. I think there are several things that would be great to make this route. Maybe even battery covers.. 3D printers seem really cool and would be great but they are a bit too pricey for me still.

Good luck. Hopefully you find a good method as this would be a cool mod.
Thank you both for the reply to this thread!

I think using 3D printing would be a good idea, but what i have found is that sometimes the models don't always come out the way you want it to, and leave layers of small lines and ridges which you can kind of see. This is probably quite easy to fix with a bit of sanding or something, but i'm not sure how well that would go.
From what little knowledge I have in 3D printing using the better material will take care of the lines and if you have all the different face expressions a 3D scanner should make a pretty good fitting piece and with the 3D software you could scan an existing face and then with your computer change the expression before printing.

Ripley, let us know how you mold making adventure turns out.
PM Powerful Gordon Mike!!
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
Thank you super

gmeehanfilms (you can call me George)

I have emailed Powerful Gordon Mike, hopefully he can get back to me Smile
(This post was last modified: 10-26-2015, 02:21 AM by gmeehanfilms.)
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Powerful Gordon Mike hasn't replied back to me yet, I emailed him through the forum, any other ideas?
Try his website? Or YouTube site?
Or YouTube: mike arnett
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
(This post was last modified: 11-04-2015, 08:58 AM by MuddyPoppins.)
Easiest way to make more faces.....
Push the face in to a block of Plasticine. Put it in the fridge for a bit then remove the face then fill the mold with some resin from the car accessory shop. The resin casts can be calved and reshaped using some Milliput
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