The Grand Finale....What, Again???

13 Replies, 13874 Views

The Grand Finale Again.

I know, I know. How many Grand Finales are you going to have Super? This is it, I am sure, positively, not doubt about it, absolutely the last.....maybe..............Stop laughing at me...I am serious.....Somebody help me..........I think I need an intervention.

Just opened up a big box delivery from Japan. I am sometimes in awe of how fast they can ship half way around the world. Gave them permission to ship what I had in warehouse on Monday and it shows up here on Thursday afternoon.

Top to bottom...

For the Future World Collection Storage Bin..

Tomy/Plarail Emily.
Have been looking for her new in the box Tomy release at a decent price for the Future World Collection for quite a while and finally nabbed one.

Tomy/Plarail Mighty Mac
Didn't think I would find a Tomy/Plarail release new in the box of this rare fellow. Almost gave up and by shear luck came across this one. A great addition to the Future World Collection.

Disney Dream Railway Mickey Mouse & Friends Circus Parade Freight Car Set
Didn't really have an interest in getting one of these sets but when I saw this one, new in the box, listed with a real low starting bid, I made that starting bid and let it ride like I have done so many times before. In all other cases I was out bid by a lot but since I wasn't willing to go higher than the opening bid always lost out. Not on this one though as there were no other bidders. This Mickey set will be a nice addition to the Future World Collection.

For the Just Play With It Collection.

Protect the Rails! Track Maintenance Set
Was never interested in this set as new ones were sky high on Amazon but was interested in having the 2 car Crane unit and the Backhoe. After losing out on the bidding for a new 2 car crane pair sold by itself this whole, used, set listed which I was lucky enough to get. I will most likely just keep the crane unit and Backhoe and sell the 4 rail repair units but not sure yet.

Middle Car Odakyu Romancecar MSE
Not so easy to find an extra middle car for this train sold by itself for a decent price and got lucky on this as no one else put in a bid. I think the Tomy/Plarail Japanese trains look perfect with two middle cars more so than one or multiples over two.

Middle Car Kintetsu Urban Line
Extra middle car for our recently received Kintetsu Urban Line 3 car unit. Like I said above, I like the look of a four car train running around our rails.

Super Hikari
This was another train that I really wasn't pursuing but did think it had that space age look that was really neat. Most of the used ones you see listed either had many scratches on the tinted windows, fading paint stripes or the white plastic was badly sun burnt/discolored for the UV Rays. Another one that I thought was a low starting bid and let it ride with no one else bidding. Now to try and find an extra middle car that doesn't have the above damage. Does anyone have information on this train? Is it modeled after a real one? Is this the right name? I can't find anything on it. And I am very curious.

Kiha 181 Sea Breeze
Most of you know that we are not into the Japanese, or for that matter any, commuter trains but I always was drawn to the Kiha 181 design as its neat overhead, headlights reminded me of the 1950's cars like the Cadillac with the fancy fins. Add to that the fact that this is diesel and not electric appealed even more but the prices were always way over the top for me. That is until I just so happen to be on line checking the newly listed trains when this one popped up with what I thought was a very low price and only 500yen more for a Buy-It-Now. Needles to say I jumped on the Buy-It-Now for that price and the listing was gone within a minute of it going live what luck. This train is even more beautiful in my hands than pictures I have seen show. The tops are painted with a textured silver paint which makes it look and feel fantastic. Does anyone also have any knowledge of this edition of the Kiha 181. I do see the Kiha 181 Hamakaze and the Hakona and information on those but I don't see this Sea Breeze often as a Plarail or anything on a real one. Of the 3 Plarail releases is this the rarer one? I do like this color scheme better that the other two.

Also received in this shipment a lot of track and buildings. Had to purchase large lots in order to get a lot a gray track that came with the harder to find gray specialty pieces like half and adapter rails. Also received several white rails which I wanted for the Xmas layout but these white tracks are not pure and have a hint of very light blue in them. They originally came with the DD14 & Type DE10 Snowblower Diesel Locomotive Set so if you are looking for pure white tracks these are not. To be sold on Ebay. All the other additional buildings accessories and track will be sold on Ebay.

[Image: 003_zpsxbhsgh1i.jpg]

[Image: 004_zpspskhkezk.jpg]

[Image: 003_zpsrkmfjncw.jpg]
[-] The following 4 users Like Super's post:
  • ActionChugger, Gerisplarail1, HankAmericanEngine, Ucwepn
Sweet super! Can't wait to see the Grande Finale…Again.
I AM NOT DEAD. Just inactive. 
Awesome!! I've never seen that crane before it's sweeeet!!!
I think I must have one...very nice assorted editions to add even more depth and variety to your collection...Smile
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
[-] The following 1 user Likes MuddyPoppins's post:
  • ripley802
nice work, super. you wont regret the circus trains. i used mine at the last show, and a disabled man ive known for years just about fell out of his mobility scooter laughing at it. best reaction ever.

i must get one of those crane trains. really like the digger.
my website address has changed:
[-] The following 1 user Likes sunhuntin's post:
  • MuddyPoppins
I too like the crane, and have not seen that one. I have been debating getting the Disney set. Still have not bit the billet and got it yet though. Nice lot of stuff you have there though.
Kiha 181 is gorgeous so jealous!!!!!!!!!!!
[-] The following 1 user Likes Gerisplarail1's post:
  • Super
@ Gerisplarail1

Do you know anything about the Kiha 181 Sea Breeze as I can't find any info on it. I find info on the other 2 Kiha 181's (Hamakaze and the Hakona) but nothing on the Sea Breeze.
The writing says Shiokaze (しおかぜ).

Shiokaze (しおかぜ) → 潮風 → See Breeze


Thanks Plarnold

With your info I was able to also find this but I still can't seem to find any info or pictures on a Sea Breeze Kiha 181 with the same color scheme.

This one should be it:しおかぜ_(列車)#...iokaze.jpgしおかぜ_(列車)

[-] The following 1 user Likes plarnold's post:
  • Gerisplarail1

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