Rarest Plarail/Tomy Trains

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Silver TGV: Only found in Tomica World TGV Set. This could easily go around 55000 yen today. Is it even manufactured after year 2000?

[Image: 51-XI4j6t8l-L-AC.jpg][Image: i-img600x450-1544934666j70tfy472676.jpg]

3 Types of Amtrak: Silver, Red and Blue. @Super, your call to pick if they are the rarest. Maybe Good Western or Animal Express (Red C12)
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(07-17-2020, 03:37 AM)Vio Wrote: Silver TGV: Only found in Tomica World TGV Set. This could easily go around 55000 yen today. Is it even manufactured after year 2000?

The silver TGV was also released in a single pack, however i'd assume it's pretty impossible to find. I'm pretty sure it was released after 2000 but don't quote me on that
[Image: 161231_6-thumbnail2.jpg]
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Wow, I never knew. I’m very shocked to see the single item. Where did you get this image from? Or do you possibly have the single item? I’m dying to know.
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No I don't have it, wish I did though. I remembered seeing it somewhere but cannot pinpoint it. I just searched on google images "tomica world tgv" and found a picture of it. 
Here is the link where I found the photo http://plarail-time.seesaa.net/article/445418624.html
It's written in japanese so maybe you could help translate it for us.
(This post was last modified: 07-17-2020, 06:25 AM by Super.)
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The article claims that the writer and his son visited a store and it's layout before closing down, and an event manager brought a silver TGV to the driving party.

There seem to be obvious information:

Overseas version of Plarail TGV.
In Europe and America, it was sold under the "Tomica World" brand rather than the "Plarail" brand.
Orange TGV was also sold in Japan and overseas, but the Silver TGV is only available in Europe.
The type is slightly different from the orange TGV, this colour is cool above all ...
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Yeah, This TGV is much rarer than the orange one, and I think the most attainable way of getting this silver TGV is by acquiring the set. I've only ever seen a boxed single silver TGV once on ebay a year ago and it was in a listing with other tomica world trains and motor road and rail thomas and friends trains.
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That is very good to know, though I can't find the completed listing.

I'd say this set (プラロード 大鉄橋, Plaroad Big Bridge) is extremely hard to find in new condition.
The highlights are the light blue structures, every one of them are exclusive to this set and a new one went for 21000 yen last 1 or 2 months ago.

[Image: i-img1200x900-1587719734tc63ph25226.jpg]
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(07-17-2020, 02:07 AM)Vio Wrote: Sorry about that Super, I changed the permissions. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1...sp=sharing

5. Gold Odakyu Romance Car 10000 Series: I'm not sure whether it is released after year 2000 but it is mentioned in the Phantom Gems of Plarail. It is made in Thailand.

6. Gold Asagiri: I'm not sure whether it is released after year 2000 but it is mentioned in the Phantom Gems of Plarail. It is made in Thailand.

Thanks Vio...I can see the document now but, as usual can't read it Confused

Ohhh, wow
I have never seen the Gold Asagiri and Odaku Romance Car 10000 Series before...I want that romance car. Is it completely Gold or are there at least some details of a different color?

(07-17-2020, 03:37 AM)Vio Wrote: 3 Types of Amtrak: Silver, Red and Blue. @Super, your call to pick if they are the rarest. Maybe Good Western or Animal Express (Red C12)

I would say the Blue F-Unit is the Rarest followed by the...

Silver Amtrak which I would say is Hard to Find and not rare. Well that is until a member here started buying all them up. He has to
    have the biggest collection of the Amtraks anywhere.

And lastly the Red one which is neither rare or that hard to find

Of course that would be my rating for here in the States but the rarity of these in other parts of the world must be quite higher.
Document translate will take forever so you need to manually put line by line in Google Translate. Each line represents 1 station entry. The columns are the same translation as before.
I believe I discussed the gold duo somewhere in the forums before... The romance car has red chassis and clip holders.
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Oh, cool. I didn't know I could copy and paste a cell to a translator, I was thinking it was a photo. That will work.

On the subject of the Chrome 583 Series...I love mine, it looks very much like an EMD F-Unit and I like how it has accents and some details in colors so it isn't all plain Chrome.

I have seen several Silver TGV's sold individually over the years in the Tomica World box but always on Ebay UK.
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