Hello, great site btw!
I have scored about 8 full different tomy train box sets, as well as about 16 different tomy trains in their boxes, most seem to work, but they were in storage apparently for years, and the wheels on most if not all trains, look like there was glue a on rubber wheels/tyres and some look semi melted, dented, strange, will add pics later.
Is there a site anywhere where I can buy spare wheels/typres ?
Such a shame so many trains have this issue for some reason.
I have scored about 8 full different tomy train box sets, as well as about 16 different tomy trains in their boxes, most seem to work, but they were in storage apparently for years, and the wheels on most if not all trains, look like there was glue a on rubber wheels/tyres and some look semi melted, dented, strange, will add pics later.
Is there a site anywhere where I can buy spare wheels/typres ?
Such a shame so many trains have this issue for some reason.