The riser configuration on that set is interesting.
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@Mod Thana
Thanks, A new, yet small, Knapford Station is cool. It would look even cooler if 2 of them were connected together. I can't tell for sure in that picture if its a half clear dome or a full one. It also doesn't look like any engines come with the set...right? If not, seems like a high price for a set with no trains. @Muddy In the picture it shows an official announcement date of 9/30/19 so I don't think Pre-Orders start until that day with a November release. At least that is what I have learned from our BPT members as to how these catalog pictures work. (09-18-2019, 08:03 PM)Super Wrote: @Mod Thana The set doesn't come with any train. You will get the following items: -Product Description: Straight rail (1), 1/2 straight rail (2), 1/4 straight rail (convex) (2), 1/4 straight rail (convex) (1), 1/4 straight rail ( (Concave) (1), curved rail (blue) (6), curved rail (gray) (8), automatic cross rail (1), turnout rail (L) (1), turnout rail ® (1) , New Slope Rail (2), Small Suspension Bridge (2), Block Pier (4), Brick Pier (4), Yama Pier (2), Animal Panel (4), Napford Station (1), Map Sheet (1) , Episode guide (1), seal (1) If you are interested, you better reserve the item now. Hobby Search just open up the reservation. 1 per household.
My Trackmaster/Tomy/Plarail Photo Gallery Page (over 600+ photos and still under construction)
Has anyone tried yet?
I tried it but it wouldn’t open...not quite sure why.
Play nice & have fun!!
Works for me Muddy
Worked for me yesterday.
1000 yen cheaper at Hobby search
Would someone please post a direct link to the flying Thomas set? I seriously cannot find it..
Play nice & have fun!!プラレール-きかんしゃ-トーマ...812&sr=8-1
(This post was last modified: 10-02-2019, 03:58 PM by Super.)
Price has dropped to 3850 yen Just Pre ordered mine.
Thanks AOF04!...and Super!!
Play nice & have fun!!
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