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(03-20-2016, 10:30 PM)Nigels Wrote: One of these days I've got to go through all my engines and start to sell off some of the duplicates, but its difficult as they are like my little children lol!!

Yikes...Bet your kids are glad they aren't twins or if they are, shaking in their boots Big Grin
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  • chrisjo
Sometimes, I just wish I had enough of my own money (and the correct kind [not coins]) to buy things from there (the shipping becomes ridiculous when converted to Shekels, even though I've seen a few items sold for as low as 0.99 (and that's in either Dollars or Pounds). It would've probably been easier had I lived in Britain or the US.

To add to that, I don't yet have a bank account, which means I wouldn't be eligible to have a credit card. This, as well as how my mother would react, are the only things stopping me from reaching my "great destinations".
Believe me the shipping issue is definitely no easier in the UK, most shipping from the land of the rising sun is outrageously high, but it can be offset if you get items simply not available anywhere else or at a ridiculously lower price.

But even then we still have the issue of import duties, VAT, handling charges etc... to face on top of the shipping costs. So you pays your money (or not Smile) and takes your choice... Either pay or go without...

At least the items I'm after are not the 1/16th scale tanks I'm also fond of, I dread to think how much they would cost to ship from Japan!!!! Big Grin

Out of interest, does anybody know the weight of the Linear Liner sets? Somehow they look big and heavy even though its only an oval of track...
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
[-] The following 2 users Like Nigels's post:
  • ripley802, Super
The set is around 6 to 7 kg.

[-] The following 2 users Like plarnold's post:
  • Nigels, Super
Thanks Plarnold, at least I can get an estimated shipping cost although I suspect that will make it prohibitive at best Smile
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
Hobby Search says:
Item Size/Weight : 60 x 45 x 30 cm / 5300g
[-] The following 1 user Likes chrisjo's post:
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