(01-04-2016, 03:03 AM)Super Wrote: Fantastic work, and like Tramp says, terrific job on the paint. I too would like to see the insides and a closer look at the windows. Do you use the matte tape just to give the glass a milk like finish so it they can be seen? You mention you used 2x 1.5volt LED's but you used a 2x AAA Battery pack. I have not seen 1.5volt LED's and wouldn't the 2x AAA's put out 3volt? Very nicely done. Is the paint air brushed or spray can and did you have to paint the inside so the lights did not emit through the plastic or did the outside paint block it?
Thanks Super. I will try and get a few interior pics as well. I must admit the led's I used were not my favorite. In fact I would probably not buy them again. They seem very cheap, well they were, but still out of a 10 pack I had issues with probably 3-5 in each of the colors I purchased.
Maybe the were 3v now that I think about it. Which is the reason for the two AAA cells. I remember trying 1 AAA and it would not power 1 Led but two powered two Led's.
The paint was actaully trial and error. I started with a matte finish spray paint. I found that I had various issues with that, like the paint bubbling, not drying even, etc. so after tha base coat of the blue, I wet sanded with 1000 grit and then did one more coat of the blue. The tops were metallic acrylic paint found in the craft section at Walmart. These worked quite well. Next time I will try in the air Brush unit though to avoide brush strokes. So that said the interior was painted the blue.
For the tape, that is exactly the reason. I even put a little black mark on them to try and simulate a sillotte of a person.

I will try and get some more pics. Thanks for the likes on these. This was my first go, so hopefully some more in the future.