More new Trackmaster sets mid 2014

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These pictures appeared on facebook today 16 feb 2014 and not much is known about them at this stage but I will update this post when details are released. They appear to show a new type of Trackmaster track and a special hill climbing Thomas with a long wheel base and smaller wheels (customizer's dream!) These both appear to tie in to the New Thomas and friends movie "Tale of the brave" due in late 2014

[Image: 1941411_225739037612292_957773154_o.jpg]

[Image: Untitlednewthomas2014.jpg]
Thanks guys, very interesting. I always thought that these and the Tomy, Plarail type trains wheels were a tad bit too close for the size of the bodies. They probably had to increase the wheel base for this Thomas so the front end would clear the steep rise at the beginning of the ramp but who engineered this???...

[Image: Untitled_zps3d26c1d0.jpg]
Looks like the shell for the newest RC and the light up thomas which they have just used on this chassis. the normal 2012 Trackmaster Thomas has holes for axles almost in the location of this new thomas but they remain unused.

[Image: 20140211_164858.jpg]
Now I am wondering if the wheel base might be an optical illusion. With no middle (3rd) wheel it may give the impression of being longer especially since the undercarriage is black. Could have they actually shortened the front of the body so as to make the rise at the bottom of the ramp and not extended the wheel base? Look at the front plate and the black smoke box, both look to be shortened. At any rate I am anxious to see if the gear box is different for him to make it up the steep incline especially with a less than full battery.
Ok So treacherous tracks set due Aug 2014 and found a new running video from the toy fair, also shows the James set pictured at the top of the thread running with the new (much better) trackmaster track type. Very excited for this new type of track it is the most realistic looking so far for these types of trains.

Those tracks do look nice but are they going to produce and sell them separately or just provide them with special sets?
Hopefully they will start selling them as track packs and in sets with adapters.
The gray track will have adaptors for the brown track, and there are more details about the Avalanche Escape Set on the Fisher-Price store:

Can't say I really like that Thomas even more, sure it has great performance but the shape is just weird.
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"• Includes 2 track adaptors, designed so you can connect the new TrackMaster™ track to the previous model • Perfect addition to your expandable, connectable, motorized Thomas & Friends™ TrackMaster™ world"

So many TM in that quote and confirmation that current Trackmaster Track is "The previous model", Straight from the horses mouth so to speak.
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