Why, oh why, do Tomy put those horrid Yellow wheels on some of the PlaRail trains?
Obviously I know they are meant to be toys for young kids, but why? They take what are in some cases quite nice looking, fairly realistic trains and stick bright yellow or red (the red I can almost cope with) wheels on them which totally ruins the image.
Maybe its me and I'm just missing the point, but I had to ask, what is wrong with grey or black wheels?
If you do have to have Yellow or Red wheels why try to make the rest of the train look realistic? You may as well mold that in flourescent green with pink detailing and go the whole hog
Obviously I know they are meant to be toys for young kids, but why? They take what are in some cases quite nice looking, fairly realistic trains and stick bright yellow or red (the red I can almost cope with) wheels on them which totally ruins the image.
Maybe its me and I'm just missing the point, but I had to ask, what is wrong with grey or black wheels?
If you do have to have Yellow or Red wheels why try to make the rest of the train look realistic? You may as well mold that in flourescent green with pink detailing and go the whole hog