Ucwepn's metallic Take Along collection (so far)

25 Replies, 53830 Views

Are you gonna do a video about these metallic take alongs by any chance?
clever,cheerful,confident. come on! It's emily!
yes I would like to do a video in a similar style to my metallic ERTL video but I need to complete the collection first Big Grin Hopefully I will get the rest soon I need 5 more.
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(06-17-2014, 11:18 PM)Ucwepn Wrote: New addition to the collection and the rarest version ever produced! From a contest by Target in Japan only 333 of these Gold Thomas' were produced and given to the contest winners. This is number 109/333 as stamped on the box.

[Image: 10467902_1495294700704885_627720183_n.jpg]

[Image: _57fdfdf.jpg]
Wow, Thomas looks very shiny! His face looks nice too!
peep peep! <strong> Percy is my favorite engine </strong>
<a href="http://theknot.com/us/thomastakenplay" >my Thomas wooden railway and take n play website</a>
<a href="http://thomaswoodenrailway.minted.us"> my Thomas toy website </a>

Hey Ucwepn, where did you hear of its 333 exclusivity? I have one and the box also says 109...
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I must be mistaken then lol
Am I the only one who noticed the Wooden Railway logo the silver Thomas box?

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