I made a considerable detour two days ago so that I could visit a Toys 'R Us where I thought they would have a decent range of these for me to look at. I stayed there about half an hour picking things up, looking at them, and putting them back. I had money burning a hole in my wallet, but in the end I couldn't bring myself to buy any, and left empty handed.
They just look cheap and nasty, it's that glossy plastic with indistinct moulding that I particularly object to.
I'm happy to let others buy them and review them (many thanks guys), my money's destined for Ebay, or possibly one of these days for Japan Yahoo Auctions.
They just look cheap and nasty, it's that glossy plastic with indistinct moulding that I particularly object to.
I'm happy to let others buy them and review them (many thanks guys), my money's destined for Ebay, or possibly one of these days for Japan Yahoo Auctions.