Hmm. "Finished" and "project" are two words that don't often get used together around here! Started again from scratch yesterday using higher resolution shape elements, i.e. curved surfaces with less obvious planar divisions.
I knew about the Prestwin wagons from Airfix, Dapol, Hornby, etc, but that French one is new to me, and the tanks do look rather similar in shape. Investigation into that one has opened up a whole new picture with the discovery of another amazing website which includes, among many others, this 3-tank French version:
I knew about the Prestwin wagons from Airfix, Dapol, Hornby, etc, but that French one is new to me, and the tanks do look rather similar in shape. Investigation into that one has opened up a whole new picture with the discovery of another amazing website which includes, among many others, this 3-tank French version: