I'm glad you got yor second crane, I really like to run both cranes with one of Harvey 's works unit coaches , wich I've moded to have a second hook on the back, mainly to run with Donald and Douglas , and with some white paper in the windows, wich is both accurate to the show and helps hide the battery. In my opinion the simplest way to form a train is by having the coach in between the cranes . I prefer to put the coach facing the opposite way from the engine, wich can allow me to reverse.
The special coach is also very nice. I think two looks better than one, however it 's a bit annoying given that it's a break coach.
Knapford and the sheds are very nice to have. I really need to get a knapford station for my collection.And maybe a new duck, however the one I have now is just fine.
You sure got a great lot!
The special coach is also very nice. I think two looks better than one, however it 's a bit annoying given that it's a break coach.
Knapford and the sheds are very nice to have. I really need to get a knapford station for my collection.And maybe a new duck, however the one I have now is just fine.
You sure got a great lot!
The magic of the GWR