and I looked at my ertl butch I saw that something isn't right and I think I knew why
ertl. the tv series
and so I decided to do a modification
first remove some sides at the front to make it skinnier (I wear glasses when I do these modifications as to not get things to my eyes)
then I did the base itself
how I did to make it skinnier I put cut tape as a way to know how to cut it I later used thin cardboard to the sides and painted black to make it not empty
with cardboard
here it is being repainted the face and body
the front
I also modified the sodor mail truck to be more accurate gray roof black around the headlights and red rims
comparison to how it looked before modifying paint makes a difference
the side
and other side
I also did some modifying to my ertl George I still need to put his name on the boiler part and after that he's done
other side
all three
butch in a flatbed
I am quite happy on how they resulted I was really sure on butch and he just looks 10xx better
but yeah
ertl. the tv series
and so I decided to do a modification
first remove some sides at the front to make it skinnier (I wear glasses when I do these modifications as to not get things to my eyes)
then I did the base itself
how I did to make it skinnier I put cut tape as a way to know how to cut it I later used thin cardboard to the sides and painted black to make it not empty
with cardboard
here it is being repainted the face and body
the front
I also modified the sodor mail truck to be more accurate gray roof black around the headlights and red rims
comparison to how it looked before modifying paint makes a difference
the side
and other side
I also did some modifying to my ertl George I still need to put his name on the boiler part and after that he's done
other side
all three
butch in a flatbed
I am quite happy on how they resulted I was really sure on butch and he just looks 10xx better
but yeah
I liked tomy ever since I found out about it