New Clones?: Amtrak, Santa Fe, BSNF and NYC MTA.

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Ok, now I know this post would normally go in the 'show us what you bought' section, probably on my Japanese or Daiso threads, but as this thread is trying to highlight how identical these 'clones' are to the Daiso range I thought I'd put it here for those considering the clones and how they can expand it with Daiso products later Smile

Ok, first we have a Tsubane '800' Shinkansen

[Image: DSC_0660.jpg]
[Image: DSC_0661.jpg]
[Image: DSC_0662.jpg]

Then a 923 'Doctor' (don't ask me thats how its referred to Smile) Shinkansen

[Image: DSC_0663.jpg]
[Image: DSC_0664.jpg]
[Image: DSC_0665.jpg]

Now a C11 Steam Loco and Carriages

[Image: DSC_0668.jpg]
[Image: DSC_0667.jpg]
[Image: DSC_0666.jpg]

An E231 Suburban commuter train

[Image: DSC_0669.jpg]

and finally not a 'Partridge in a pear tree' but an E5 'Falcon' Shinkansen

[Image: DSC_0670.jpg]

Anyway as you can see from the above there is a healthy range of Daiso loco's and their scenery/track range is similarly wide, but the best part of all is the cost. Believe it or not each of the above 3 part trains cost me no more than just over £4 each - that is £4 for the 3 parts, not £4 each!! So 5 x 3 car trains for about £20 which is what you can pay for a single 3 car Tomy PlaRail. The track is similarly priced so you can get a good layout very cheaply. The only downside is you have the cost of shipping, but even then the items are so cheap you avoid any customs duty so it all works out still very cheap.

ENJOY!!!! Big Grin
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin

Messages In This Thread
RE: New Clones?: Amtrak, Santa Fe, BSNF and NYC MTA. - by Nigels - 05-04-2016, 08:51 PM

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