Battery terminals? Anyone know where to get these?

48 Replies, 54128 Views

Rotary Tools like Dremel have buffing wheels and a polishing compound that should do the trick
I don't know what I would do without my Dremels. I have two, one that is the pen/wand type and a cordless handheld.
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How about an ultrasonic cleaner? they just use water and work wonders for coins, keys, jewelery etc Big Grin
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
Now there is an idea. Many ladies have one of those the only problem is will they let you use it. If you do try it let us know how it turned the fight that the ultrasonic cleaner works Cool
I have been in contact with a person from China regarding the terminals. At this point the cost is still too high for me to purchase them, but trying to work out a deal. I will keep you posted if I finally get them. I would like to package them with the brass rivets and maybe sell as a repair kit, but who knows..
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I still wonder if its possible to use the terminals out of the battery holders you can buy from electrical parts stores with a bit of judicious soldering of course Smile
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
(02-05-2016, 11:37 AM)Nigels Wrote: I still wonder if its possible to use the terminals out of the battery holders you can buy from electrical parts stores with a bit of judicious soldering of course Smile

I had a couple styles already a and purchased 2 other types, but they do not fit or look horrible. I know they are not really seen once the covers are on but I like to try to repair them as much as the stock look as possible.

I don't think the China contact is going to work out. The best deal for them is $0.03 per pc, but a min order of 10,000 and then $70 USD for shipping. YIKES.. I will keep looking maybe something will come up, or maybe I buy a natal stamping machine..
Big Grin
Thats a great find for new terminals, many different choices. Ill be sure to check those out for some future projects!

I buy alot of used trains, most of them have corroded battery terminals. What I do is strip the train down and remove the terminals, and soak them is clr or any strong calcium/lime scale remover. If left in there for about 1 min, they come out looking like brand new with all the corrosion is gone. In most cases it looks like nothing ever happened, sometimes if the corrosion is realm bad it leaves some putting but they still work great!
(02-05-2016, 03:13 PM)anc6802 Wrote: Thats a great find for new terminals, many different choices. Ill be sure to check those out for some future projects!

I buy alot of used trains, most of them have corroded battery terminals. What I do is strip the train down and remove the terminals, and soak them is clr or any strong calcium/lime scale remover. If left in there for about 1 min, they come out looking like brand new with all the corrosion is gone. In most cases it looks like nothing ever happened, sometimes if the corrosion is realm bad it leaves some putting but they still work great!

Thanks. Yeah the site has tons, but getting them is the problem. I think this is a bust for me unless I want to shell out $400 for 10,000 of them. Dodgy

That said I agree most can be cleaned up and I have had great luck with white distilled vinegar. The problem is the 10-20% that are too far gone. IE... Corroded into multiple pieces..

I just wish there was an easy way to get the brand new ones.
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Well it has been over a year and I am happy to report I think I finally secured these elusive battery terminals. I say "think" because I do not have them in hand yet. I have been working with the company where I first (and only place) that I have saw them, and finally got the qty and cost down to a "reasonable" amount. I should be able to get the TnA stock I hav repaired now and have plenty for future repairs.
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