A 2016 Plarail Ryan???

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(01-24-2016, 02:22 PM)Super Wrote: Really? Thats odd. This is what I see...

Very strange indeed. I can see the picture as well, although I only see Ryan on the TV screens.
Odd that I can see the picture using Internet Explorer (which I don't normally use) but not in FireFox which is my preferred Browser.

Inspecting that picture closer just raises more questions for me. Questions that still make me skeptical but then I can be overly anal at times.

If this is a Toy Show display where are the big banners or something that attracts attention that this is the Plarail or Tomy booth. I see no logo banner at least not in this photo.

On the video screens is that a picture from an actual show? I ask this because Ryan seems to be pulling the light brown/gold Express Coaches, the same that came with the Special Edition C-12 Oigawatetsudo Thomas suspiciously placed in front of the sign.

If this was showing a new Plarail Ryan, why is the model suspiciously missing on the track. In this picture a train is not even on the track or is behind the sign. And if the person taking the picture was wanting to show this news, you would think that a picture of the model would be the first thing he took.

I know I can be way too analytical for my own good sometimes, and because of the Internet I can be overly cautious and skeptical as there is so much nonsense and misinformation going on and to that add all the talk of the last year or so about Plarail not making anymore Thomas trains in this line, I just can't get my hopes up until Ryan is shown to me. I hope he and more new characters are produced by Plarail, that would be neat but until then...SHOW ME!...please LOL. Big Grin
I see the whole thing. On the TV's, Ryan blinked while they took the photo.
I AM NOT DEAD. Just inactive. 
(01-24-2016, 03:16 PM)Super Wrote: Odd that I can see the picture using Internet Explorer (which I don't normally use) but not in FireFox which is my preferred Browser.

Inspecting that picture closer just raises more questions for me. Questions that still make me skeptical but then I can be overly anal at times.

If this is a Toy Show display where are the big banners or something that attracts attention that this is the Plarail or Tomy booth. I see no logo banner at least not in this photo.

On the video screens is that a picture from an actual show? I ask this because Ryan seems to be pulling the light brown/gold Express Coaches, the same that came with the Special Edition C-12 Oigawatetsudo Thomas suspiciously placed in front of the sign.

If this was showing a new Plarail Ryan, why is the model suspiciously missing on the track. In this picture a train is not even on the track or is behind the sign. And if the person taking the picture was wanting to show this news, you would think that a picture of the model would be the first thing he took.

I know I can be way too analytical for my own good sometimes, and because of the Internet I can be overly cautious and skeptical as there is so much nonsense and misinformation going on and to that add all the talk of the last year or so about Plarail not making anymore Thomas trains in this line, I just can't get my hopes up until Ryan is shown to me. I hope he and more new characters are produced by Plarail, that would be neat but until then...SHOW ME!...please LOL. Big Grin

We definitely know from an earlier photo taken closer up, that Plarail Skiff does exist.

As for the first question about the TV show; yes, the images on the TVs are from the 2015 special, "Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure". Ryan is pulling Annie and Clarabel, because Thomas caused a massive accident at Knapford station, and Ryan is taking over on his branch line while Thomas is working at the construction site for the new Arlesburgh Harbor-Harwick branch line.
(01-24-2016, 04:00 PM)Miksolo Wrote: We definitely know from an earlier photo taken closer up, that Plarail Skiff does exist.

Still haven't seen the "definitely" picture of Ryan.
(01-24-2016, 04:43 PM)Super Wrote: Still haven't seen the "definitely" picture of Ryan.

Ryan, no, but Skiff, yes.
If that is real or just a toy boat on a flatbed!!!
(01-24-2016, 04:45 PM)Super Wrote: If that is real or just a boat on a flatbed!!!

It looks a lot like Skiff to me, color and shape wise.
I hope you are right but not definitive enough proof for me. Its just too strange that this person went to the trouble of taking photos but suspiciously does not take a picture of Ryan and Skiff in front of the sign. And where are pictures from others that attended this show? You would think this would be big news in the Plarail Thomas Online world and not just here at BluePlasticTracks. Type in Plarail Ryan and Skiff into Google and all that comes up is the Wikia you mentioned, the YouTube Link of the sign and this thread. Apparently this big news is only being discussed here. I am not on the social media sites, are they talking about it there?
(01-24-2016, 04:59 PM)Super Wrote: Apparently this big news is only being discussed here. I am not on the social media sites, are they talking about it there?

I wouldn't know. The only social media I have is Google+. :T

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