its possibly ryan is planned/coming, but they didnt have a finished model yet? im not clever enough with their shapes to know if ryan could use a mould from, say, percy, or if he would need a complete new one. with all the new moulds being pushed out over the last year [disney, peanuts just to name a few] they may well have run out of time. this happens with lego sometimes, with so many new sets, their production schedule gets filled up so things get delayed.
i know with london toyfair, photos arent allowed, it may have been the same here and photos were taken on the sly, with no one else sharing them yet.
[im on firefox and can see the image fine. may need to check your settings super?]
Thanks Sunhuntin for the suggestion. I will check that out but I am a bit bewildered why its only a couple pictures that don't show but all others do.
That wide shot picture doesn't really help much. I'm sorry I can't help you Super but unfortunately I know what I'm meant to be looking for so I can see that there is a Ryan and Skiff, albeit a small hard to see image. I don't get the photographer not taking a clearer picture of the product unless he didn't really know what he was looking for. I can understand why there's no other place really talking about it since there's nothing else to see yet, and to be honest, only a few Plarail Thomas releases get people talking. I can however see another Plarail Thomas item which looks like a large set with a scenery mat, and it folds up into that box you can see next to the track layout with Ryan and Skiff.
I had a difficult time convincing others in 2008 that there was going to be a TrackMaster Whiff and Madge because an online store listed them and they were the only place that did.
So has anyone heard one peep it this is real or not or is the only discussion about this on the Internet here?
If I ever get him, My Trackmaster Revolution version would be used along side the new plarail model.
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Henrietta was never made in the Wind Up range until now, so it's very interesting to finally see a representation of her, let alone one with her face from the CGI Series.