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Could someone please explain to me what is the difference in the Tomy T-4 and Tomy TS-04. I want to start collecting Tomy Gordons, but can't see the differences in the two other than the box. Thank you.
Mike Arnett Customthomas
The Plarail Thomas T-numbering system was the range from 2003-2012.

The TS-system was the revamped line of around 20 engines still used from 2012. The products are the same, with the exception of 2014 Harvey, 2014 James, and 2015 Gordon.
there are subtle differences like on the T series Base plates were not painted and sometimes they came with different wagons, like Percy, T series was Mail Car and Tanker whereas TS series Percy has Tanker and Empty Troublesome Truck. So there are subtle detail differences. I specifically wanted T series Percy and not TS series Percy it was harder to find the one I wanted new and boxed.
So jdogman are both T-4 and TS-04 are the same? Same everything?
Mike Arnett Customthomas
Yes they are all the same minus the packaging details. And like I said there's now the exception with the redesigned 2015 Gordon which still carries the same TS number.

Furthermore, the series of engines pre-dating the T series from 1992-2002 which featured things like Edward, Henry, James, and Percy with different cars did not use a numbering system.
sorry guess I was confused sorry I was talking about the 1992-2002 Thomas and Friends being different, still new to collecting Thomas and Friends, I'll stick to helping with the regular Plarail line!
Thank you for the information guys!
Mike Arnett Customthomas

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