(02-25-2015, 11:05 PM)Super Wrote: Well...after today I have checked out 4 Walmarts within a short distance from my place and no evidence of this Original Thomas, great gift Muddy, from a secret admirer? I have officially given up on finding one. Not really important to me, I want one to completely modify it and take a stab at these Trackmaster 2 and rework it to run on the blue track. If I do find one it will be by chance and since I am not fond of the looks of these squashed Trackmaster 2 cars they will be offered up to those collectors who like to keep everything original within their sets. Look forward to you creating a YouTube Channel Muddy so we can enjoy your massive collection along with you and your son.
Yes it was an awesome surprise from an admirer secret only to BPT

...still working on the track matting and details...
After reworking the layout MANY times through test runs of trial and error...
(Sub note: I will post my opinions of fisher price sets in another rant soon.)
And have settled for what I have...not quite the functionally I was going for but the Sodor Airport set and Hit roadway present logistal nightmares within a 48" surface..
Also, I couldn't agree more about those squashed little new cars!!

I don't like them one bit.>

Seem like I hear that lonesome whistle blowin'
...for the times, they are a changin'...
I suppose I'll accept this new direction though, as everything else about life and in the world seems to have been reworked as well..
I guess if I stopped collecting them I'd grow old and bitter about it...
Sitting out on the porch in my grayhaired rocker ranting to no one, "I remember back in 2014!!" Lol