r/c spooky thomas

4 Replies, 7411 Views

I do not believe this train was released for several reasons. that does not mean that it does not exist. If it does it would be in France. I would search there.

sorry typo! too many train conversations at once. I meant Stanley of course
(This post was last modified: 01-11-2015, 12:55 PM by trevor379.)
RC Spooky Stanley was recently re-classified as "cancelled" by Fisher Price...it was previously listed as released as a Target exclusive in 2011...as a Target exclusive bearing the bullseye logo, it would seem that they couldn't even be redistributed to second run stores...
I suspect Target declined to stock them because the moaning/ screaming "spooky" sounds were deemed too scary for ages 3+...
Never the less, they have never physically surfaced, though 3 boxed sets were displayed for sale on eBay in 2011 but the seller cancelled the auction and disappeared...along with any trace of the mystery glow in the dark terror of SpOoKy StAnLeY...muahhahahaha!!
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
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lol! nice. that's why France probably has a few somewhere. demos or prototypes. I heard it was cancelled because the new remote controls without the attached car (as this one would have) were being released. therefore, making spooky Stanley dated and unprofitable. the ghost of spooky Stanley...beware!
Yes it was during the remote control debacle...well it's a shame wherever he's lurking...he was spooky cool!!
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
(This post was last modified: 02-04-2021, 03:55 PM by Super.)
Monty: Poland
Alfie: Canada
RC Spooky Stanley: bonjour
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