Plarnold's Collection Thread

3 Replies, 6769 Views

Hi all,

I will slowly over time put some of my collection here. Forgive me if several months go by and this isn't updated.

I rarely modify my Plarail but if I do, it is most likely reversible. That is, the modifications can be reversed to restore the Plarail back to its original form.


Sun 7, 2014

300X - 新幹線955形電車 (Shinkansen 955 Type Train)
Manufacturers: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (三菱重工業)、Nippon Sharyo (日本車輌製造)、Kawasaki Heavy Industries (川崎重工業)、Hitachi (日立製作所)
Built for JR Central in 1995 to be used as an experimental train set. Many technologies tested by this train have been incorporated into today's Shinkansen such as the 700 Series and N700 Series.
Some experimental features included the Aluminium alloy body, the different shapes of the front car (round and cusp) and the use of new pantograph covers in an attempt to reduce noise pollution.
In 1996, the 300X held the land speed record for rail at 443 km/h (excluding Magnetic Levitation Railway systems).
It was removed from service in 2002.

One of my favourite train sets.
Sold as "Super City" in the European Tomica World Series.

I have modified the train set to use three high brightness white LEDs for the front and last cars. When you switch off the train, the lights also turn off of course. Smile
Runs on two AA batteries. No special chips needed.
This is a reversible modification. Nothing was drilled, sanded, melted, cut or destroyed.

Front Car

Rear Car


I hope this was an interesting read. Smile

(This post was last modified: 12-08-2014, 05:03 PM by thehsvdude.)
[-] The following 2 users Like plarnold's post:
  • ActionChugger, Nickel
Very nice Plarnold. I do like the looks and lines of the 300X and you did a wonderful job with the lights. Did you have a separate battery pack in the rear for those lights or did you wire it back to the lead engine? I take it that there was already clear plastic in those light sockets for you not modify them in any way. Would love to see the insides. Thanks for sharing can't wait to see more
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
the mods look good! really like that they can be undone if you so chose.
my website address has changed:
[-] The following 1 user Likes sunhuntin's post:
  • Super
Very interesting. My mods are only reversible to the first thing I did like with my diesel 10 i superglued a lego brick on for a rotating Pinchy. Other than that entirely reversible.
Proud owner of Tomy/Plarail trains. Cool
[-] The following 1 user Likes ROCKINATOR's post:
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