A Nice Custom from Custom Trackmasters

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I have been following YouTube 'Custom Trackmasters' since he first started. He has come a long way from his rough earlier days of making customs. His methods and talent have improved so much. He has helped so many especially with repairs over the years. He is the reason I was motivated to buy the CriCut machine to make custom made and cut Waterslide Decals but I never completed the learning of the software. Not that its hard...mostly because I am lazy. What I really like about how he now makes everything out of vinyl now with the machine that looks fantastic especially making those perfect Boiler Bands that are so hard to do and look nice with markers. There is one thing that I always thought he should do from the beginning and thought he would eventually change is his continued use of cheap Masking Tape which bleeds paint on the edges and doesn't make crisp paint edges. I didn't know it at the time but he bid and bought many huge lots of parts and broken trains that I had Listed on Ebay. Thats how he gets his huge storage locker filled with trains and parts that he uses for customs. He has developed a profitable business out of all this. From his videos I have picked up on many things especially learning that I always thought that noisy motors were due to other gears in the gear box and changed so many in my earlier days and greased them that they still were noisy. It was him that I learned that it is the gear that is on the motor shaft that causes the noise and not any of the others. Cracks were so fine on that gear I never noticed.

Here is his latest custom using an Arthur where you can see how great the use of his vinyl is.

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