My Newest Arrival!

133 Replies, 39028 Views

BPT! WE DID IT!! 60 BOXED ITEMS!!! This has been a crazy journey for 1 year and 11 months already.
And the 60th boxed item in the collection is...
[Image: IMG-0652-1.jpg]
TrackMaster Rheneas and the Dinosaur from HiT Toys in 2008!
Price: $60.00 ($40.00 on Bid)
Shipping: $11.00
Total: $71.00 ($51.00 on Bid), ($75.26 with tax, $54.06 with tax on Bid)
Location: Vero Beach, Florida, USA
I don't think there was a better item to be number 60 than this one, It not only aired on October 2nd in the US, I bought it on October 2nd too, and it happened to be $60.00 on a buy it now price too. And, if you think about it, I basically traded $60.00 for #60.

Well, that's all from me today, and I will update you all on the next item I get!
(That will be a while though because this item actually took away a $50 bill I had for like 4 years, worth it though!)
(This post was last modified: 10-11-2023, 02:34 AM by PJ100001.)
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  • generic_truck_69420, MuddyPoppins, Super
Congratulations PJ [Image: happy-clap.gif]
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(Thank you Super for the Kind Words! As well as Muddy and Generic for the likes, really appreciate it!)
Hello BPT! Wow, been a while since the last time I posted on here (over a month!? Man, time flies), but I am back to post yet another BNiB item I acquired yesterday!
[Image: IMG-0782-1.jpg]
Brand New TrackMaster Springtime Surprise Toby From Fisher-Price in 2010!
Price: $30.00
Shipping: $6.22
Total: $36.22 ($38.39 with Tax)
Location: Park Hills, Missouri, USA
So the Springtime Surprise models are quite interesting to me, because I do think they're rare, but only two seem to have any sort of rarity to them. Those two being Thomas and Rosie, Toby seems to appear a little more frequently than Thomas, and Thomas appears once in a while, however I've never seen Rosie. So she must be the rarest in that regard. And I guess this post could serve as an early Happy Easter for 2024! (Then again, Christmas and Easter are both religious holidays so Idk lol) That will be it from me today however, but the next item will be my last item ever...
For 2023 before Christmas! April Fools! But it will be an interesting one because now the Motorized Wiki will have some images to add with this one, and while it is of an item I already unboxed and posted here, it will still be a good one, and one that I did say the search continued for since November 2022 (happy 1 year anniversary I guess?? Idk again lol). But this seriously is it from me today, and I will see you all once I get to the next item!
For a hint: He's a very "Playful" engine, and first appeared in the Miller era (S13-16).
(Though I do still wonder what's in the Giant Green Egg? Something new to wonder about everyday!)
(This post was last modified: 11-15-2023, 03:41 AM by PJ100001.)
[-] The following 2 users Like PJ100001's post:
  • generic_truck_69420, Super
Very nice find PJ. Don't know if you have seen it but Muddy has a video of the 3 Springtime Surprise trains.
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(Yes I have Super, it was cool seeing all three next to each other and seeing the fact that Muddy completed the range!)
Hello BPT. So this post isn't going to be like my usual post where I show you what I got and how much I paid for it and where it came from and whatnot, this is a post that I'd like to do to show you my progress of my items:
[Image: IMG-0799-1.jpg]
[Image: IMG-0800-1.jpg]
[Image: IMG-0801-1.jpg]
[Image: IMG-0802-1.jpg]
[Image: IMG-0803-1.jpg]
[Image: IMG-0804-1.jpg]
[Image: IMG-0805-1.jpg]
[Image: IMG-E0807-1.jpg]
Here is every single item I've acquired Used and BNiB over the course of 2023 before Christmas, there are 35 items here btw.
I will get to posting the 36th and final recorded unboxing item of 2023 shortly.
(The last image is like the 4th but I forgot to put Porter in there and replaced Rheneas and the Dinosaur with him btw.)
(This post was last modified: 11-16-2023, 09:33 PM by PJ100001.)
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  • generic_truck_69420, Splodge, Super
Very impressive when seen all together PJ. 35 items makes 2023 a thumbs up for you 👍
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(Absolutely was Super, but as the kids say nowadays, including me to an extent, we would call that a "W" which means a "Win".)
Hello BPT! Here it is, the FINAL item of 2023 before the (hopefully) Christmas Haul! Now I did say in the Springtime Surprise Toby post, this engine was a very playful engine, and he first appeared in the Miller Seasons (S13-16), but specifically, it was in Season 13, Episode 7 - "Play Time":
[Image: IMG-0810-1.jpg]
Another BNiB TrackMaster Charlie in "Play Time" From Fisher-Price in 2010!
Price: $50.00
Shipping: $9.95
Total: $59.95 ($62.95 w/Tax, Basically $63.00)
Location: Bronx, New York, USA
So the reason I bought another Charlie in "Play Time" model was purely because of the fact that this one just overall looked a LOT nicer than the one I got back in August, and it offers a better opportunity for display inside my bedroom's closet. However I think the Charlie in "Play Time" I got back in August might be a prototype version that made it into final sales? Here are some Images that prove my point:
[Image: IMG-0824-1.jpg]
[Image: IMG-0825-1.jpg]
Now I don't know for sure if this version is an actual prototype, but I think Muddy has one with its box. So it also couldn't be one at the same time? But the box also doesn't have those small little curved lines that go across certain sides of the package (most notably the front and top). But the Ice Cream Car has a different basis, in the supposed prototype version, it has a completely tan basis on it, custom to it. While the other version has a black basis, with painted sides to match the actual wagon itself. It is a weird yet super cool thing to think about nonetheless. You all tell me, because I don't know for sure about the version I owned before I got this newer, nicer looking one.
That will be it from me now, and the next post will potentially be one the hopeful Christmas Haul that will happen eventually. Expect to see some rare as heck items if it does happen! And most will be BNiB, adding to the suspense! See you all in the next post, and have a happy Thanksgiving while you're at it thinking about the prototype question!
(This post was last modified: 11-19-2023, 02:20 AM by PJ100001.)
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After looking at several pictures of Charlie NIB, I think it's a similar situation to the Thomas in "Slippy Sodor" pack (which came out the same year).
That pack first featured Thomas with a HiT face

[Image: TiSS-Hf.webp]

Which was later changed to Fisher-Price's current (at the time) face
[Image: TiSS-FPf.webp]

I found several pictures of Charlie, most of which actually had the unpainted basis for the ice cream car
[Image: char-1.webp]

[Image: char-2.jpg]

[Image: char-4.jpg]

[Image: char-5.jpg]

I only found one with the painted buffer beam
[Image: char-3.jpg]

I'm not sure though, this is just what I found. I also noticed in your first picture that one Charlie has some white lining on the front of his, uh, boiler? I'm a big Thomas fan yet know practically nothing about real life trains. Anyway, the other doesn't have that. Looking at eBay, it looks to be a sticker but I'm not sure since I've never owned a Charlie. All in all, I think one of the two is an early variant like the whole Thomas in "Slippy Sodor" thing. That's my thoughts and thanks for reading! 
(Sorry if some or even none of the images show up, I haven't posted in a while, I'll try to fix it if that's the case!)
TrackMaster Expert (kinda)
(This post was last modified: 11-19-2023, 04:32 AM by Splodge.)
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I do own a Charlie with the front sticker and I am certain its an earlier version of the playtime pack.
I liked tomy ever since I found out about it
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Thank you for all that insight Splodge! I saw that a 2011 box slipped in there somehow, so the version I had without the front sticker on it's boiler (yes, that is his boiler btw, you were correct). So it can't be a prototype, just a rare release I guess.
Hello BPT! This isn't a usual post I do, but me and my Mom went out shopping for decorations to put around the house, and well, after a bit of consideration, she was able to let me get this!
[Image: IMG-0936-1.jpg]
Motorized Crystal Caves Thomas from All Engines Go in 2022!
Price & Total: $12.27
Yeah so, I guess this marks item #37 and boxed item #32 for pre-Christmas haul, and you won't see any more posts from me on Used or NiB items until then. But here is the very first AEG item I've ever owned at all and the first BNiB AEG item I've owned ever. So that's pretty cool, I showed it to my sister who is all big on crystals and stuff, and she thought it would've been cool if Fisher-Price put a light inside that purple crystal in the middle. But oh well, customs exist for a reason I guess (this reminded me of the Smelter's Yard Cars post in April, where Super you said you tried to get the Big Blue Bucket Truck's molten parts to light up when it moves).
Well that's going to be it from me this year after I will make a post of my family's attempt at a FULLY DECORATED house for December 2023! And Christmas time ofc. See you all then, and did everybody have a great Thanksgiving? I tried Turkey this year, and it tasted great! Just to let you all know also, I am very grateful for this site's existence and my collection as a whole, without these, I would have no amazing people to talk to and hear answers from on things or anyone to show off my collection to, and what's even greater is that this whole community is FULL of people who, I'd say, know what's up (Up, and Away! JK that episode sucks) to a full extent on Thomas toys.

But for real, I will see you all again until maybe 2024, after the (potential) Christmas Haul. So see you then!
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