I found what I consider the Holy Grail

15 Replies, 17975 Views

Good job on the lucky find. Cool

Also the train was made around 2000 I think.
(This post was last modified: 10-22-2014, 05:23 PM by TOMY_FAN.)
[-] The following 1 user Likes TOMY_FAN's post:
  • Gerisplarail1
I had two sudden realizations.

1. I remember I've seen the same box style before on a US set for preschoolers which contained a pullback train and some rainbow track pieces which was released in the late 90s, so this set would be in the same range, maybe 1999.

2. Something that might be an even realer grail might be trying to find a Plastic Railroad Set from 1959, the first Plarail item ever, in good condition!
[-] The following 1 user Likes jdogman's post:
Well yes finding an unopened 1959 Tomy first production Plastic Railroad set would be quite rare and amazing, but I guess as far as I am concerned I am just saying This exciting find has me... well excited!

P.S. this set arrives tomorrow!!!!!!!Big Grin
(This post was last modified: 10-24-2014, 04:14 AM by Gerisplarail1.)
[-] The following 2 users Like Gerisplarail1's post:
  • HankAmericanEngine, Super

I present the Good Western!

[Image: DSCN3535_zps6a9d0651.jpg]

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Gerisplarail1's post:
  • sunhuntin
Fantastic ... [Image: bravo-clapping-smiley-emoticon.gif]

She is beautiful, almost perfect with the box and everything in it. I see from the instructions they signed as 2000 Tomy Corporation so I guess we can assume that it was at least released then. The emblem on the side of the smokebox is exactly like the one on the Benkei, 7 stars and 369 or is the Good Western a different number, hard to see in the picture. Does it run well? A great super rare find my friend. [Image: clapping-smiley-emoticon.gif]
[-] The following 2 users Like Super's post:
  • Gerisplarail1, HankAmericanEngine
yes same as Benkei 369 is the number and jdogman was correct this is a year 2000 release. All but the train will remain in the box, and thanks for asking it runs very well a little loud on initial run but that may go away.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Gerisplarail1's post:
  • Super

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