Ah, it's interesting you'd mention this
The latest version of the Mabeee battery that can be used to control Plarail and other battery operated devices can actually be operated and programmed via Scratch, which I believe can be used on Arduino?
In any case, I have actually been working on [theoretical] plans as to how I could automate my Plarail layout using a combination of sensors, Mabeee battery controllers, and of course, Scratch programming, with the ultimate aim to be the creation of a form of ATO train control system wherein Scratch would drive the trains, with the sensors regulating distance between trains, and stopping positions.
Equally, I am also considering using Scratch, the Mabeee system, and a USB controller kit to potentially enable me to create and build a train driving controller based on the layout of a train driving desk, with sound buttons, power handles, etc., allowing for a fully immersive Plarail driving experience.
If and when I can prove these concepts [presently, I have one Mabeee battery underway from Japan with a consignment of other Plarail goodies], then I'll be sure to post my findings; Indeed, should I be able to create a successful Plarail ATO system for the Mabeee/Scratch, or a USB controller for PC-based driving control, I'll share the progams and schematics on here so you guys can potentially build your own controller, or easily program your own layout
Incidentally, here's a link to the Mabeee batteries that I bought - These apparently should be the latest model, compatible with 'MabeeeDesktopEX'; effectively a piece of software that allows one to connect to Mabeee batteries via PC. Previous models could not do this, but could connect via a Japan-only mobile app. These newer models are still compatible with the app as well, but the PC software is not region-locked, and as long as you can install 'DesktopEX', then you should be able to sync it to Scratch and go from there.
I will try and find the link to the pages that explain how it can be connected and incorporated into Scratch, and post a translation to here [the pages are mostly in Japanese]