I'm finally doing the motor replacement in Catlin and doing some minor repairs on the NEW tub of engines my grandson has gotten. I bought another tub; this time with lots of engines, cars and "TOMY Thomas & Friends Ultimate Set 161 Pieces " ... most of it is there. I thought he was going to faint when he saw it. All he could do was stand there and say "This is Tomy..." over and over. Anyway, my question is this... the metal tubes/rods fell out and I"m not sure where they go?
Reassemble trains
7 Replies, 4734 Views
Hey John, not sure what you mean by "metal tubes/rods" can you give us a picture so we may help? I am assuming that because you chose this Forum to Post in that your Caitlyn is the Trackmaster release and not the Tomy/Plarail right?
Maybe they are the little weights they come with? Those certainly look like little metal rods.
YES, weights that's it!! and YES, it is not the Tomy version. Where do they go??
So the version you've dis-assembled says Mattel, Gullane 2012, and Y3348 on the underside? If you can wait until tomorrow I'll take a look inside one and let you know.
(This post was last modified: 08-25-2021, 11:11 AM by Super.)
Welcome back! Haven't heard from you since 2017 (when you opened this thread about Caitlin). Hope the motor replacement is going well. Should be exciting to see what's in the new tub when you have the time.
Either way, I didn't know they still used those weights for new engines in 2013. I can only assume there are three of them and they're stored directly above the decorative front wheels (in front of the actual ones). In that case, there should be a space for them in front of the drive unit. Hope this helps.
Thanks, Chrisjo. I stand corrected. Either there was an early edition with weights, or the previous owner had derailment issues and transferred these weights to her. If one of the engines in the new lot has corroded, rusty or missing weights, you could move them to it instead.
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