Tons Of Trackmasters YouTube videos

71 Replies, 39964 Views

Hello again everybody! I do have some videos to share...since this thread hasn't been updated for about a year haha


Trackmaster Cranky is MAJESTIC | Tons Talks S8 • E7 | Cranky is MAJESTIC | Tons Talks S8 • E7 |
[/url]Trackmaster Cranky is MAJESTIC | Tons Talks S8 • E7 |
And that is about all that I have to show for myself haha. We did reach 18k which is very nice so, again, thanks everyone! The channel is not really as interesting to me right now so posts will not be incredibly plentiful. (I literally released 3 videos in the whole year of 2024 so far) I have been building up a new channel called "the right track" recently which is doing very well (better than TOT for sure) so if you would like to see some documentaries about real locomotives and obscure stations that I have travelled to, that is the place haha

A Gordon evolution video will most likely come to fruition at some point over the next few months but I have got my mock exams for my GCSE's in November and should probably revise lol. Thanks again to everyone on this site for the support Smile

[Image: EVOLUTION-of-GORDON-The-Big-Engine-Trackmaster.png]
Trackmaster SAMSON is BLAND | Tons Talks S8 • E8 |Trackmaster SAMSON is BLAND | Tons Talks S8 • E8 |
Trackmaster SAMSON is BLAND | Tons Talks S8 • E8 |
Trackmaster SAMSON is BLAND | Tons Talks S8 • E8 |
Trackmaster SAMSON is BLAND | Tons Talks S8 • E8 |
Trackmaster SAMSON is BLAND | Tons Talks S8 • E8 |
[url=]Trackmaster SAMSON is BLAND | Tons Talks S8 • E8 |
The Tons of Trackmasters YouTube channel  Smile
Hi Tons, Thanks for stopping by and updating us.

I checked out your new channel and loved the very first short video I watched, well done...
I went to one of the NEWEST stations in Britain!

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