Nankai 50000 Gearbox Reassemble

4 Replies, 5696 Views

Can anyone suggest to me how to reassemble the gearbox from Nankai 50000 C drive 2 speed?
[Image: 150757634-2182263175243581-2007080704815650464-o.jpg]
[-] The following 1 user Likes zealot024's post:
  • DalaGStanator
Hello Zealot
Give me a bit and I will open one up and take a snapshot of it. We got dumped on with snow overnight so I have a lot of shoveling to do.
Haven't forgot about ya Zealot. Just got in from snow clearing and found a motor just like yours. Expecting company soon so I will see if I can snap a few photos of the interior and get get back with you.

Check out these photos to see if it helps. Sorry about the poor quality, my camera does not do good with close-ups. I will leave this open in case you have questions or need another picture.

[Image: DSCN0900.jpg]

[Image: DSCN0905.jpg]

[Image: DSCN0907.jpg]

[Image: DSCN0908.jpg]
[-] The following 3 users Like Super's post:
  • chrisjo, DalaGStanator, zealot024
Hi Super,

Thank you for your help. I have followed your picture, many thanks again.

[Image: 360605.jpg]
[-] The following 2 users Like zealot024's post:
  • DalaGStanator, Super
Fantastic! Glad you got it back together Zealot! [Image: bravo-clapping-smiley-emoticon.gif]
[-] The following 2 users Like Super's post:
  • DalaGStanator, zealot024

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