FfarquharDeveloper's TrackMaster Customs

280 Replies, 134370 Views

changing the dating system on this thread to year month day for ease of tracking

will go back and retroactively change old posts in the thread to use the updated system

2022/18/12 Update:
i'll make a proper full detailed post at the end of the year since my camera is finally fixed and it'll be easier to transfer photos again

I finished Paxton on Friday the 16th, and Sidney on Sunday the 11th. They had previously already been fully assembled and were just awaiting paint application.

Paxton and Sidney are painted in TS-43 Racing Green and TS-44 Brilliant Blue respectively and other paints are Apple Barrel's Matte Snow White, Jet Black, Yellow, Red Apple, and Country Grey for additional details.

Paxton and Sidney have been on the back burner for a while but I finally have them done and I'm finally happy with them. Shame the bootleg trackmasters made a flat drive Splatter, now all of this is kinda pointless and I just needed to make a Sidney. Oh well, I'm happier with this variation of the tooling, they were a lot of fun to make.

Paxton uses a cast of the Thomas Motorized Paxton's Face (2021), while Sidney uses a cast of the Wooden Railway Seaside Sidney's Face (2016).

[Image: tomy-08s.jpg] [Image: tomy-diesel.jpg] [Image: tm-arry.jpg] [Image: tm-bert.jpg] [Image: tomy-splatter.jpg] [Image: tomy-dodge.jpg] [Image: tomy-paxton.jpg] [Image: tomy-sidney.jpg]

started work on a new dart
[Image: dart-wip.jpg] [Image: dart-print.png]

not pictured is the improved ryan prints

got all this stuff
[Image: all-this-stuff.jpg]

and motorized frankie using the ben
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
[-] The following 2 users Like FfarquharDeveloper's post:
  • generic_truck_69420, Super
2023/01/04 Update

I do not like how long the official release of the trackmaster dart is and I'm making my own. He's a bit squashed only because I want to be able to actually run him on Plarail layouts and that REQUIRES him to be about under 5.5 cm in height.
[Image: dartrosiefrontcomparison.jpg] [Image: dartrosiesidecomparison.jpg] [Image: dartprints1and2.jpg]

Here is a video showing that he can run under TOMY Plarail risers.
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
[-] The following 2 users Like FfarquharDeveloper's post:
  • generic_truck_69420, Super
You have been busy Ffar. Is this for a TM2 motorized chassis?
well if you check older reply's you will see that its a hit James or a tomy James chasis and has done a 3D shell for it that being dart
I liked tomy ever since I found out about it
[-] The following 1 user Likes Therealblack64YT's post:
  • Super
Soooo...yes or no?
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • Therealblack64YT
well no
I liked tomy ever since I found out about it
[-] The following 1 user Likes Therealblack64YT's post:
  • Super
No, I stated this in the description of the video but failed to mention it here. It uses a heavily cutdown TOMY Edward chassis. This Edward was from a massive lot I got in 2020 and has been busted for 2 years now, I finally figured out a purpose for it once I started designing the Dart Bodyshell. The wheels you are seeing are from a Hit Toys Rusty as the original Edward wheels (larger ones, not the smaller front bogey wheels) are currently on City of Truro (made out of James).
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
[-] The following 1 user Likes FfarquharDeveloper's post:
  • Super
So ts not motorized even thou in the last image it looks like an on/off switch on the cab roof? Color me confused 😆
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • Therealblack64YT
he said it will be motorised with a tiny battery that will go on the face I think something along those lines.
I liked tomy ever since I found out about it
I'm guessing it'll be an N size one, as ai don't think any other one would fit.
I'm interested to see the final model as I have never see an actually decent size Dart for Tomy or Trackmaster
The magic of the GWR

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