January 2021 UPDATE BELOW....
You know that Christmas is just around the corner when we set up the table layout and our Tabby decides to take up residence again. Not much going on here, just a couple parallel ovals, some Christmas village buildings and the snowy version of Maithwaite station. I haven’t found any roads that work for me, so we’ll just say they’ve been covered by a heavy layer of snow. The snow is pollyfill blanket batting that just happens to be close to the size of the table.
But it’s mostly about the yearly cat on the layout photo anyway!
You know that Christmas is just around the corner when we set up the table layout and our Tabby decides to take up residence again. Not much going on here, just a couple parallel ovals, some Christmas village buildings and the snowy version of Maithwaite station. I haven’t found any roads that work for me, so we’ll just say they’ve been covered by a heavy layer of snow. The snow is pollyfill blanket batting that just happens to be close to the size of the table.
But it’s mostly about the yearly cat on the layout photo anyway!