Sorry for hijacking Super’s thread but the “rule of coaches” is something I also follow. Generally, 3-5 coaches make up a train. For freight, I will put 6-8 in a consist but it gets a bit dicey after that. Switch points, Wyes and turn-around loops get harder to navigate with longer trains and derailments become more likely.
There’s also an issue of aesthetic appeal. While there’s nothing wrong with it, a train with only one coach or car just doesn’t look right to me in most cases. A locomotive pulling three larger coaches looks purposeful but is still short enough to operate on a basic oval layout with some switching and maybe a bridge.
There’s also an issue of aesthetic appeal. While there’s nothing wrong with it, a train with only one coach or car just doesn’t look right to me in most cases. A locomotive pulling three larger coaches looks purposeful but is still short enough to operate on a basic oval layout with some switching and maybe a bridge.