shinkansen last and first run livery 3-pack

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i took this set to the club last night, keen to break the tape, open the bags and insert some batteries.

[Image: 3packshinkansens17.jpg]

the first loco ran well, as did the last. the middle one, however, took a lot of encourangment! i put the battery in, nothing. i shook it, thumped it against my palm, ran the wheels back and forth, tried a new battery... nothing.
my friend blair got the volt meter and checked the terminals. he gave that metal tab that goes from the motor to the battery terminals a firm press, and it moved, making contact. i tried again, with no result for a while. i forced the wheels again and finally it flared into life.
the terminals on this one are a little corroded, which is weird given its never been used at all. will give them a clean with fine sandpaper.

all 3 engines need lube desperately, which is the main reason why i opened them.

i also took the metallic plarail thomas set, which ran like a dream. again, lube is needed, but nothing major. they are gorgeous running and received mixed remarks. blair had his 3yr old nephew there, and he was in love!
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