As graciously suggested, all my relevant posts to this title will be put here. I am going to start by double posting “A Hasty Tour of Henley” (sorry, will be the last time) and keep them all in this corner To avoid cluttering up this most unique and interesting Forum. Until Eric the Train Fan mentioned BPR, I really had no idea it existed. After reading as many threads as I could, two things became evident: people here enjoy their trains on a visceral level, and two, I had forgotten how the PBS series of Thomas the Tank Engine had intrigued me. This in a time before digital recording was a “thing.” I’m a bit of a technophobe, thus it was by merely hitting the wrong button on a cheap pawn shop Kodak camera that I discovered one could actually film model trains, much less anything else, such as my foot, which was often the case. Through much gnashing of teeth and rending of garments it was discovered that one could edit one’s own films. Apparently, there is a new a Windows 10 app that will do it for you, which I find a little insulting, where’s the fun in that? As it is all these nasty little devices speak at me and try to upsell me at every turn of spam, much like ‘Hal’ in Kubrick’s prophetic ‘2001.’ So, with regards to the brilliant late Reverend Awbry, I repeat the introduction to “Henley,” my home from ‘67 to ‘68.
and the other early post of Henley, referencing my second addiction, “Armodilloville.”
Ok, that should do it, and thank you for your patience and interest. Again, all of this has its roots in Awbry and a simple joy of trains.
and the other early post of Henley, referencing my second addiction, “Armodilloville.”
Ok, that should do it, and thank you for your patience and interest. Again, all of this has its roots in Awbry and a simple joy of trains.