Strange. Do you have it or are these someone else's pictures?
Not mine, this is from a Listing
Its almost like a rust color
I wondered if their color may be a bit off in the photo?
I haven't seen it much on Plarail layouts, but when it comes to railroad modelling in general, "ageing" and "weathering" of train models and scenery parts is a known art. I'm pretty sure that's what made this station as it is.
And it looks great for itself, but I think everything else on the layout should be aged and weathered for that piece to fit in.
Could be exposure to Bromine or Iodine.
I wouldn’t rule out some kind of fading or yellowing due to sunlight/UV exposure. That could explain why the interior surfaces are still closer to the original colors.
Like Mr No, I’m guessing it could be an intentional weathering effect, like a wash. It’s a pretty neat, evenly applied job but maybe the person who did it developed a subtle technique or used a forgiving product.
It’s a neat effect but again, like Mr No said, it would probably work better in a layout where everything had been weathered.
I have a Ffarquhar where the base at least had yellowed, it came in a boxed set from Japan so unless it was played with a lot I suppose it was from heat, which I have heard can also cause the flame retardant Bromine used in some plastic to yellow (Famously, the Super Nintendo allegedly warmed itself up so much when running that the early consoles with a poor Bromine mix would turn themselves yellow, no light required).
Could be a mix of that and light, interesting how the platform inside the station is less yellowed like it was kept with the top on and it was getting exposure through the door and window slits.
I have a
website where I have been writing about and photographing many of the sets and pieces that I find interesting.
All interesting theories but I can't help thinking that the green windows/doors and the stickers especially that white one are not affected by whatever this is. Plus if it were affected by these theories wouldn't we have seen others over the years with similar discoloration?
Now I am leaning towards it being a modification as I think one could remove the green window/door/sign and seat then apply some type of brown wash or something and replace all. I am half entertaining the thought of buying this to investigate further.
Do you still have that fantastic Custom Station you made out of 2 of these Ffarquhar buildings?