here are some cutoms i wanted to show

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i too am working on a slow coach.  busy schedue hinders my progress.  for the roof portion, I plan to use the wooden chop sticks from take out.
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[-] The following 2 users Like leylandvictory2's post:
  • Super, Therealblack64YT
well since I feel generous I did another custom actually finished a custom an oc I made aka a custom character ad that is Taylor started in July and finished in December took pictures of various stages
[Image: 20210731-144326.jpg] wheel painting

[Image: 20210731-144329.jpg] the parts I would need that are essential for it to be put together 

[Image: 20210731-144336.jpg] red paint wasn't good so I decided another way of applying it I chose cream because its kind of like white and it would make the red pop out a bit more

[Image: 20210801-134318.jpg] here it is being painted cream tested dark green as another layer

[Image: 20210801-134320.jpg] body that was painted cream

[Image: 20210801-134323.jpg] the back was cheap paint but was somewhat decent

[Image: 20210802-154648.jpg] here it is it being assembled to see how it would look like it being cream (no screws)

[Image: 20210802-174825.jpg] was painted red and then fully assembled (no screws)
I thought I was done I was far from it had to do multiple coats of red paint and cream in other areas was a bit of a pain to do the wheels wouldn't rotate so I went to a pillow ad went back and forward it worked fixed some chips with black sharpie not the best tool 
all I needed were nameplates windows and a face the windows I took sticker paper and used my Murdoch windows as reference and painted in sharpie nameplates were custom made in photoshop and printed in sticker paper and the face was done by normal A4 printer paper I also decided to paint the whistles with gold sharpie very carefully and the silver on the smoke deflectors to improve it

[Image: 20211225-231341.jpg] the face close up

[Image: 20211223-173035.jpg] the model done and it being screwed in the places it need it 
overall I kind of put it on hold and then decided to complete it so I guess layers of good paint and then putting cheap paint in later was the only way I achieved this moral of the story if you want good paint don't go to Poundland to buy it as its really bad and only worked because it had layers of better paint behind it multiple I sometimes do at least 3 or more layers of paint as that's when its better thanks for reading and have a good day Smile
I liked tomy ever since I found out about it
[-] The following 2 users Like Therealblack64YT's post:
  • chrisjo, Super
That was an epic mod, but its paid off in the end, looks pretty good.  Were you aiming for a 'King' class or 'Hall' class type GWR engine?  It looks closest to one of those so long as you don't count the number of wheels Smile

I would totally agree about the comments regarding cheap paint, it is really a false economy.  My suggestion would be to find your local games workshop stockist, their paints are superb and work lovely with brushes, done carefully you'll avoid brush marks pretty easily due to the way the pain flows.  Sure it seems expensive as those little pots look expensive in comparison to the large bottles of acryilics you can buy elsewhere, but believe me those little pots can go a long way and give far better results which is the main thing.

Keep it up, what's next on the agenda?
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
[-] The following 3 users Like Nigels's post:
  • chrisjo, DalaGStanator, Therealblack64YT
No, it's still a BR 9F. I don't think the GWR ever used smoke deflectors, and the Kings and Halls have a tapered boiler (with a safety valve mounted directly before the firebox). Their running boards are very different as well. However, KaizouThomas did use Murdoch's boiler and firebox for an Olton Hall and it looked right (though it seems he reshaped it since).
[-] The following 1 user Likes DalaGStanator's post:
  • Therealblack64YT
That is awesome T-Real. I actually had first thought you used a textured or crinkle paint on her, something I have thought about using myself on a custom.

Question. Did you make a custom coupler as the Tender looks very close to the engine which is more lifelike?
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • Therealblack64YT
I really liked your old slow coach!
[-] The following 1 user Likes Viktor's post:
  • Therealblack64YT
well super I used a spare trackmaster 2 coupling but you can also use a tomy one practically the same it makes it so it can go on turntables and doesn't look odd
I liked tomy ever since I found out about it
So the coupling isn't the special Hook and Eye 'push' coupling? Doesn't the Tender hit the engines Cab on the curves. I quite like the close look but unfamiliar with the Trackmaster II couplers.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • Therealblack64YT
well that's correct the tender hits he roof since they are the same I thought the special one made the model too long and didn't like that so that's something
I liked tomy ever since I found out about it
[-] The following 1 user Likes Therealblack64YT's post:
  • Super
well I repaired something and that was a battery operated Victoria I got her a few months back (July) was cheap around £3.99 but her gear was broken (inside there's a small gear that was cracked) so this made the engine not run well so I found a gear that looked like that on a motor )albeit a bit long) and sanded it surprise surprise it worked and the engine goes 
[Image: 20211231-221020.jpg]
the engine
[Image: 20211231-221030.jpg]

may need another screw but alright 
[Image: 20211231-221040.jpg]
if I find the broken gear I will show it was cracked in one side but now she works fine Smile
I liked tomy ever since I found out about it

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