i got some items

537 Replies, 166637 Views

Nice pick ups T-Real, especially I like the Merlin 👍
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • Therealblack64YT
I got the Brio model of Lord of the isle for £22 in total
I liked tomy ever since I found out about it
[-] The following 1 user Likes Therealblack64YT's post:
  • Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp
I got this James umbrella for £5 its from Japan of the charity shop
I also got this Tomy James for £1.50 it has snapped wires but will be up and running again
[Image: temp-Image-Iy-XL9-F.avif]
[Image: temp-Imageo-Bc-RNS.avif]
I liked tomy ever since I found out about it
[-] The following 2 users Like Therealblack64YT's post:
  • PJ10002, Super
That umbrella is certainly neat, especially the Handle and cover.
[-] The following 3 users Like Super's post:
  • Destination Realization, PJ10002, Therealblack64YT
got Toad and Daisy for less than £10 in total of Vinted, starting a Take Along collection
[Image: temp-Image1-Lv3m-R.avif]
[Image: temp-Image-ERQd6-L.avif]
[Image: temp-Image-Yrt-DP1.avif]
[Image: temp-Imageu-NPDJe.avif]
[Image: temp-Imagef-Yd-My-U.avif]
[Image: temp-Imagezu-Cyoc.avif]
with Oliver
[Image: temp-Imagedf-Ss-Tv.avif]
next its a lot of many items from the same seller
Barrel cars
[Image: temp-Imagecc02hq.avif]
oranges Barrel car
[Image: temp-Image0-ONs-Dr.avif]
Sodor shipping company barrel car
[Image: temp-Imagemed2g-K.avif]
popping out action
[Image: temp-Image-X2p-ODX.avif]
[Image: temp-Image4-MPKxi.avif]
Movie cars (Jack Jumps In and Faulty Whistle)
[Image: temp-Image-VW4-If0.avif]
Faulty Whistle 
[Image: temp-Imageu-Gq-Du-O.avif]
the other side
[Image: temp-Image22-J8-Sm.avif]
Jack Jumps In 
[Image: temp-Imageqolr-Mv.avif]
other side
[Image: temp-Image-SJRHFL.avif]
to see the images you open the door on the side and then you peep through the eye piece
[Image: temp-Imagey48pc1.avif]
Center Island Quarry car 
[Image: temp-Imagec-Ei-FO0.avif]
with a barrel to show that it can go in
[Image: temp-Imagem-KWe1y.avif]
Milk Tankers
[Image: temp-Image2c-WEIM.avif]
a single one
[Image: temp-Imaged-Shy-OB.avif]
Brendam shipping cargo car
[Image: temp-Image-Jkaj-AA.avif]
open the door on the other side and the cargo changes
[Image: temp-Image8m-Zg-FZ.avif]
[Image: temp-Image-BMQ8-Ep.avif]
[Image: temp-Image4-WQhqd.avif]
a Sodor Train Line caboose
[Image: temp-Imagehwx8-Tt.avif]
[Image: temp-Image-YRXY31.avif]
and with its wooden railway counter part
[Image: temp-Image-P8-ETTJ.avif]
and last but not least a Trackmaster item, a hit toy company Patrick
[Image: temp-Image7-VPDXA.avif]
[Image: temp-Image-Kk-QIIP.avif]
[Image: temp-Image-Bc-Ozj-D.avif]
got more stuff coming in the mail so I will wait and see
I liked tomy ever since I found out about it
[-] The following 2 users Like Therealblack64YT's post:
  • Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp, Super
I got some capsules for £30 in total. Now these are 4 characters that where introduced for TATMR  
Lady (different face)
Diesel 10
Now i got 3
Looking at each other
With their boss D10
I liked tomy ever since I found out about it
[-] The following 1 user Likes Therealblack64YT's post:
  • Super
Got Trackmaster Close Shave Duck
Got these Take Along items, Angry Henry and some troublesome trucks
Toublesome Truck with Card and other truck
The other truck which came with a different truck but was included with this one
I liked tomy ever since I found out about it
[-] The following 2 users Like Therealblack64YT's post:
  • Destination Realization, Super
you get amazing items which I can't even find lol!!!
Hi! you can call me D-Real, I’ve Been A collector since 2011, and Remember: Anything’s Possible when you have Dedication!! Smile
[-] The following 2 users Like Destination Realization's post:
  • Super, Therealblack64YT

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