too bad the two shunters at the end are not motorized.
Yes Super, that’s the video I was thinking of! I vaguely recall Taskforce2008 explaining somewhere that the container flatbeds are partially scratchbuilt. IIRC, the containers and the little switchers are cut and fold card stock printouts that he designed and used to have linked on his long gone blog.
The way the Listing is worded... it sounds like its a James with a Henry face. By the looks of the picture, its not a rare item but someone removed the Henry face and replaced it with a James. You can see a broken black plastic part over his forehead. I wouldn't think this was a rare factory defect at all.
Some people were discussing that Henry - the Henry is Tomy and has its Tomy box, but the face comes from a Fisher Price James, so it's a custom, not from the factory
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website where I have been writing about and photographing many of the sets and pieces that I find interesting.