The original Benkei like the one in your picture is not that rare and even can be found with its original box. I love my Benkei but there is a problem with it and all the Plarail Western Steamers like it. They have a tendency for the gears to crack and some of us here have surmised that they may have used white plastic instead of a stronger neoprene. The gear box is quite different than all other Plarails and finding a source for some of the gears proves to be hard. Member Ripley really delved into these where he was trying to make a repair kit for the Western Steamers because of their tendency. Wonder if I can find that Thread where we talk about them. This all being said I love mine and all the little Western Steamers like it.
Of course you are right Vio, I should have worded that differently.
As far as the Super Glue repairs, I look at that as a last resort. I am glad that you got yours to work after the glued gear repair. I have glued a gear together with these which although worked for a period of time, another gear would crack from the strain. Mr Ripley was trying to come up with the ultimate solution for all these little wonders that may save many from the scrap heap.
The super glue solution only works when the gap of the crack is not wide enough to interfere with the gear tooth spacing. Judging from how Ripley and Super were experiencing those cracks, I think I'm one of those lucky cases.