I saw that, 2000 USD for shipping. Maybe the seller is trying to earn extra profit from shipping. What kind of shipping company would ever charge 2000 USD for shipping? The seller can edit the shipping costs on eBay. I suggest you contact the seller to review his shipping price, say that 2000 USD is “a bad try at gaining extra profit” in a nicer way if the seller is not willing to change it. In my experience, you can request the seller to change shipping method to save money.
Plarail price increasing
13 Replies, 10163 Views
I'm betting that Coronavirus shut down the Plarail factory or slowed down production
Making Customs, Filming Videos and looking for the purest engines. That's how I roll here on Blue Plastic Tracks.
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That could be T-Boy as all industry in every area in every country has been affected by the Virus. There could be a somewhat limited supply of items and the sellers that already have stock are raising their prices to take advantage of the virus.
All could be but I am hoping their production still is going good as they had just announced the June releases a few days ago. My fingers are crossed that those will still happen but only happen if the Plarail employees are safe.
In Canada the price of a 3 car set has dropped slightly. It used to be $25 now you can get a 75th Anniversary Thomas set (the one with the drum and the coach) for $21+tax
My Trackmaster/Tomy/Plarail Photo Gallery Page (over 600+ photos and still under construction)
https://www.flickr.com/photos/183311600@N03/ |
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