Has anyone tried to upload on YouTube lately?
I have been trying to upload a video tor two days now, but it continues to crash while processing @ the 80% mark..
Any ideas or similar experiences???
Play nice & have fun!!
I haven't had a video to upload so I am not sure. Is there a Forum on YouTube where others may also be having trouble? Did you try uploading in 1080p instead of 4K?
I've been uploading a number of videos for my church. I haven't had any problems. They are 1080 resolution.
Perhaps the internet connection is the root cause?
YouTube has said that they have been throttling back the videos to save bandwidth but I am not sure what all that entails. I know that since they made that statement the 720p60 doesn't show up as HD any more where it used to in the choices for resolution Quality.
A couple of thoughts...
Might your Internet provider be throttling connections sporadically during these times?
Are you still trying to upload in 4K? If so have you tried it at 1080P instead?
Yeah...I don’t know much about technical terms, I generally just point and shoot. Lol
It worked though... I think it’s 4K, and it only took 14hrs to upload too!! Lol
Play nice & have fun!!