For some background see the recent Yuuenchi Thread.
I have obtained a set identical to the one shown in this video:
Although we know that this is a product produced under licence from Tomy, and is identical (apart from the tracks) to the 1968 Plarail product shown in the 2019 Plarail Encyclopedia, there is no mention of Tomy on the box, and no branding on the locomotive or the cars. There is no writing at all on the underside of the loco, but the cars and the rides have 'JAPAN' embossed in very tiny letters. The red tracks themselves have "MADE IN GT. BRIT." on them. On the box it does say "components imported from Japan, assembled and packed in Great Britain".
I also got this instruction sheet / order form, which shows that it pre-dates the decimalisation of UK currency (February 1971).
I also note that the drive wheels of the loco don't have tyres, they are instead made of a slightly flexible rubbery plastic, with ribs resembling those of typical Plarail tyres moulded onto them.
I have obtained a set identical to the one shown in this video:
Although we know that this is a product produced under licence from Tomy, and is identical (apart from the tracks) to the 1968 Plarail product shown in the 2019 Plarail Encyclopedia, there is no mention of Tomy on the box, and no branding on the locomotive or the cars. There is no writing at all on the underside of the loco, but the cars and the rides have 'JAPAN' embossed in very tiny letters. The red tracks themselves have "MADE IN GT. BRIT." on them. On the box it does say "components imported from Japan, assembled and packed in Great Britain".
I also got this instruction sheet / order form, which shows that it pre-dates the decimalisation of UK currency (February 1971).
I also note that the drive wheels of the loco don't have tyres, they are instead made of a slightly flexible rubbery plastic, with ribs resembling those of typical Plarail tyres moulded onto them.