4 Replies, 4933 Views

Hello, This has been a fascination of mine since I was little besides Thomas and that is...
The DC Metrorail System otherwise known as WMATA!

Here are some videos!




Here are some that I recorded:


Theres more on my channel as well as this on ROBLOX!
Thats right folks, I built this entire system on ROBLOX, So you can check it out if you want, https://www.roblox.com/games/1716655560/...000-Visits.

Hope you enjoy!
[Image: IMG-20180126-232218494.jpg]
Rest In Piece Friend
Thomas A. Wilson 2008 - 2018
[-] The following 1 user Likes ItsWAWGaming's post:
  • Super
That’s cool! I’ve only seen the DC Metrorail once, nearly 20 years ago. It’s an interesting system and fairly unique with the *slightly* under standard gauge track.

I’ll tell my son about your Roblox version of the system. He’s an avid Roblox player and enjoys train and ship games.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Off The Rails's post:
  • Super
What does it mean when you say "I built the entire system on Roblox? What is Roblox?
I’m probably describing this wrong but Roblox is an online multiplayer roll play game. The characters look toy-like and appear vaguely similar to LEGO mini figures. It’s possible to build “worlds” in the game and allow other players to play in those worlds.
(This post was last modified: 09-09-2019, 12:11 PM by Super.)
Thanks OTR, I didn't know that.

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