While I still wait for my VSD's to arrive (Very Special Deliveries), work continues on my City-Country layout.
Time to paint my styrofoam packing blocks and turn them into city buildings.
Went for stone grey for the buildings.
I cut out some pieces on the left hand building (below) so the trains will run through this one. The middle building is a bit of a strange shape so I'm putting some windows on the front and sides and an air conditioning unit on the roof to make it more like a modern office building.
While that paint dries I went back to the tracks and put some grey mat down in the city area because I figure you don't have grass growing in the middle of the city. It's a roll of drawer liner I picked up for a few bucks in a homeware store.
Next I spent quite a bit of time searching, downloading and editing a bunch of Japanese logos and signs to use on the city buildings. Because this city is set in a fictionalised Japan I went for a lot of Japanese brands and train signs with a sprinkling of other stuff that caught my eye.
Once I got the dimensions right I printed them on high quality gloss paper and cut them all to size. A lot of them will be made into billboards so I cut and glued them on to cardboard so they will be rigid when attached to the side and roof of the buildings.
This part is fun but quite time consuming. If anyone wants the signs I have them laid out correctly to scale in a Microsoft Publisher file. Otherwise I can send you the image files.
More soon when the buildings go up!