I recently purchased a flip-face toby that had some marker etc on the tram roof. I used some goo gone to gently (and succesfully) remove the marker (I then cleaned the rood with water to get any goo gone out of the picture). But then I couldn't leave well enough alone, and decided to try to remove what I thought was some gunk, but ended up removing a spot of paint. So there is now a brown spot showing through on the roof. Not the end of the world, but I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for touching up the roof? I have a feeling matching the white/greyish color will be tough, so it may be that I should plan to just pick a shade and try to repaint the whole roof. And I also have no clue what type of paint would most closely match the texture of the original (acrylic?). Thanks for any and all opinions!
Grey acryllic primer spray can from an auto-parts store?
I actually have a goal to repair a Talk n Action Toby that I acquired which was in rough shape some time ago. I researched and tested a few different colors (which has been two years or more ago). But I believe the color was called “Dolphin Grey” and it was an acrylic from Wal Mart in the craft section. I planned to use it thinned out in an airbrush but haven’t gotten around to it.
Thanks for the rapid responses. I'm going to look into the dolphin grey. And it's helpful to know that acrylic is probably the way to go. Now if I could only go back and stop myself from trying to get that last spot! Though I can't really complain. I couldn't get Toby to run, or flip his face when I first got him. Granted, I only had to open it up and reset the face "paddles". And frankly, I still don't know what I did to get the motor to turn on (other than open it up and give it some taps), but I can live with a brown spot if I have too. Thanks again!
Excellent. If you do decide to paint Toby's roof, don't forget to come back and show use what he looks like.